Ulrich Daldrup

Ulrich Daldrup

. Ulrich Daldrup is an expert in International Cooperation and in Humanitarian Aid. He worked and lived many years in Africa and Asia.


Ulrich Daldrup grew up in Brussels (Belgium) where his father Franz Daldrup had been delegated in 1958 by then German Minister of Economic Affairs, Ludwig Erhard, to set up the European Economic Community (later: European Commission). After his baccalaureat at the European School in Brussels he made an apprenticeship in banking with Banque des Bruxelles-Lambert. In 1971 he finished his study of chemistry ond of economics at the Technical University of Aachen (Germany) with two Masters degrees/Diplom (in chemistry and in economics) and a PhD. In 1972 he married Elfi Herrny.

International career

From 1972 until late 1974 Ulrich Daldrup lived in Rabat (Morocco). The German Ministry of International Cooperation had delegated him as governmental advisor to the Moroccan government. The same Ministry used his services till 1985 for the management of its humanitarian aid programs. Ulrich Daldrup coordinated humanitarian aid projects of the German government in Africa and in Latin America. In 1989 the European Commission appointed him as advisor to the Minister of Industry and later President of Mauritius, Cassam Uteem. From 2000 until 1 May 2004 Ulrich Daldrup was delegated by German government as Commissioner to Riga (Latvia).

Political career

From 1994 until 1999 he served as the Mayor of the city of Aachen. From 1993 till 1999 he was also head of the CDU in Aachen. He was co-founder of the Maastricht based Euregio Council and the Euregio EVP. He was President of the Mittelstandsvereinigung till 2005. From 1995 till 2000 Ulrich Daldrup was also President of the "Global Panel Conferences". In this function he received many heads of state. In 2004 Ulrich Daldrup founded the international "Business Club Aachen Maastricht", who's President he is since. In 2006 he was appointed vice-President of the humanitarian Water for the World Foundation, who's headquarter is in Maastricht.

Academic career

Since 1984 Ulrich Daldrup has been teaching “international law” and “business administration” at the University of Applied Sciences of Cologne, where he is appointed as Professor. The University of Aachen appointed him as Lecturer in 2004 for "International Management". From 1996 till 1999 Ulrich Daldrup was Dean of the University of Bradford/NIMBAS, MBA Campus of Aachen. Daldrup was lecturer at the Technical University of Kaunas (Lithuania) where he created the firdt Technology Center/Incubator. For this it was honoured with the Doctor Honoris Causis in the year 2000. Ulrich Daldrup gave lectures furthermore at the University of Stettin (Poland) and Georgetown University (USA). Emphasis of its research is Regional development and policy, European treaties and International cooperation

He published a number of books on international cooperation.


* “Doctor Honoris Causa”.by the Technical University of Kaunas
* “Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande” of the Federal Republic of Germany
* "Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany"
* “Honorarprofessor” of the University of Applied Sciences of Cologne
* “Ehrentaler” of the Handwerkskammer Rhein-Main


* Economic Guide Nigeria
* Economic Guide ECOWAS Countries
* Economic Guide Sri Lanka
* Economic Guide Bangladesh
* The Industrial Sector in Cameroon
* The Industrial Sector in Chad
* Ernährungssicherung und Nahrungsmittelhilfe - ein Instrument der Entwicklungshilfe
* Handicraft in Mauritius
* Handicraft in Morocco

External links

* [http://www.daldrup.org/ Official Webpage]

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