Polypedates megacephalus

Polypedates megacephalus

name = Hong Kong Whipping Frog
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Amphibia
ordo = Anura
subordo = Neobatrachia
familia = Rhacophoridae
genus = Polypedates
species = "P. megacephalus"
binomial = "Polypedates megacephalus"
binomial_authority = Hallowell

"Polypedates megacephalus", also known as Hong Kong Whipping Frog [ [http://arcbc.org/cgi-bin/abiss.exe/spd?SID=1920146829&spd=545&tx=AM BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION SHARING SERVICE (BISS)] ] , Spot-legged Treefrog [http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/references.php?id=23791 Amphibian Species of the World 4.0, an Online Reference] ] or Brown Tree Frog, is a tree frog which is listed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution in Asia and its tolerance of a broad range of habitats. It also because of its presumed large population. [ [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/58957/summ IUCN:Polypedates megacephalus(Summary)] ]


This species is native in central, southern and southwestern China; it is also found Taiwan, Hainan, Hong Kong and Macau. The species is supported in many protected areas in China.

In Hong Kong, this species was recorded on Kau Sai Chau,Sai Kung in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the proposed golf course on the island [ [http://www.hku.hk/ecology/porcupine/por23/23-vert-reptile.htm#index5 Porcupine! 23 - Vertebrates--New reptile and amphibian records for Kau Sai Chau, Sai Kung] ] .

It has also recently been recorded from northern West Siang District, in Arunachal Pradesh, and from Watiyem, in Nagaland, in India. It is also known from Dihang-Dibang Biosphere Reserve in India [ [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/58957/dist IUCN:Polypedates megacephalus] ]

It was introduced to Japan [ [http://amphibiaweb.org/cgi/amphib_query?query_src=aw_search_index&max=200&where-genus=Polypedates&where-species=megacephalus AmphibiaWeb:Polypedates megacephalus] ]


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