- Economy of Second Life
Second Life has its own economy and a currency referred to as Linden Dollars (L$). This economy is independent of the Pricing, where users pay Linden Lab.In the SL economy, residents buy from and sell to one another directly, using the "Linden", which is exchangeable for US dollars or other currencies on market-based currency exchanges. Linden Lab reports that the "Second Life" economy generated US$3,596,674 in economic activity during the month of September 2005,citeweb
title=Virtual Economics
author=Reiss, Spencer
date=December 2005/January 2006
] and as of September 2006 Second Life was reported to have aGDP of $64 Million.citeweb
title=Your Second Life Is Ready
author=Newitz, Annalee
publisher=Popular Science
month=September | year=2006
] A Virtual Economy Analyst at the Metastat statistics bureau in Second Life estimated Second Life's 2007 GDP will be between $ 500 million and $ 600 million, about nine times that of 2006. This data is of23 February , 2007.Basis of the Economy
The basis of this economy is that residents (that is, "users", as opposed to Linden Lab) can buy and sell services and virtual goods to one another in a
free market . Services include camping, working in stores, business management, entertainment (which prominently includes adult entertainment), [TD Goodliffe. [http://www.vtoreality.com/2006/new-to-sl-here-are-some-ways-to-make-money/259/ New to SL? Here are some ways to make money] , "Virtual to Reality", 31 October 2006. Retrieved on2007-08-18 .] custom content creation, and other personal services. Virtual goods include buildings, vehicles, devices of all kinds, animations, clothing, skin, hair, jewelry, flora and fauna, and works of art. To make money in Second Life, one must find customers who are willing to pay for the services or products that one can supply, just like in real life.Because of the existence of "virtual land", there is an active "virtual real estate" market. Originally all land comes from Linden Lab (which is part of the pricing and a revenue stream for them), but after that it is bought and sold much like real-life real estate. Mainstream media has reported on SL residents who earn large incomes from the SL real estate market. [cite news|title=The Virtual Rockefeller: Anshe Chung is raking in real money in an unreal online world|author=Paul Sloan|date=2005-12-01|accessdate=2007-05-29|work=Business 2.0|url=http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2005/12/01/8364581/index.htm]
In addition to the main economy, someresidents receive a small weekly stipend, depending on the kind of account they have, and when they joined Second Life. There are also the virtual equivalent of minimum wage jobs and charitable organizations that try to introduce new residents to the consumer economy.
Another option for making money in Second Life is "camping". Throughout the virtual world are locations where SL members can earn money by either sitting, doing an activity such as dancing or painting, or another similar activity; payment is offered consisting of so-many Lindens for time spent. (The amount of Lindens paid and the time interval varies from place to place). Since this could result in some users leaving their avatars "camping" for days at a time, accumulating thousands of Lindens, most locations forbid 24/7 "camping" and some camp options limit the amount of money that can be made in a location over a period of time.
LindeX Currency Exchange
Residents may purchase L$ directly through the client, or convert between Linden currency and U.S. currency through either Linden Lab's currency brokerage, the [http://secondlife.com/currency/ LindeX] Currency Exchange, or other third-party currency exchanges.Fact|date=February 2007 The ratio of USD to L$ fluctuates daily as Residents set the buy and sell price of L$ offered on the exchange, with average rates between L$260/USD and L$320/USD between October 2005 and September 2006. [cite web|title=LindeX Market Data|publisher=Second Life|accessdate=2007-05-29|url=http://secondlife.com/whatis/economy-market.php]
Economic Issues
A Pyramid Scheme
In January 2007 Second Life was criticized for resembling a traditional pyramid scheme where only a very few persons are harvesting money from the large masses of players. Although the normal player also can make and exchange Linden Dollars into US dollars, these sums are dwarfed compared to what a very few SL casinos owners and virtual real estate owners cash in. [cite web|url=http://randolfe.typepad.com/randolfe/2007/01/secondlife_revo.html|title=SecondLife: Revolutionary Virtual Market or Ponzi Scheme?|publisher=Capitalism 2.0|date=2007-01-23|accessdate=2007-05-29]
No Government
Second Life residents mostly do not have a government. In part this is enabled by the fact that there is also no physical damage, and in principle no possible theft of property, nor is there war on a large scale, other than between military groups or other role players restricted to 'damage enabled' sims like Badnarik, Salamis, Dorien, Titan and other Similar areas. Thus, many of the functions of government are not required.
On the other hand, there is always a need for dispute resolution.
At the lowest level, property rights reign supreme. A building's owner makes the rules, and can simply eject or ban any resident he or she wishes to, with or without cause. An owner of 512 square meters is lord of that manor, just as the so-called Land Barons are the lords of their much larger ones.
There are some groups of people in Second Life that have created small scale political structures. For example, they might band together, purchase property in the groups' name, and agree to follow in-group rules and regulation, elect officers, support a monarchy etc.
At the highest level, Linden Lab is the true owner of Second Life, and within the [http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php Second Life Terms of Service] (TOS), they are the ultimate authority.
Legal position of the Linden Dollar
Linden Lab has been criticized for marketing SL as a viable business channel for making real money,Fact|date=February 2007 while at the same time including provisions in the Terms of Service which give Linden dollars no intrinsic value as a form of currency. Linden Lab is not required to pay any compensation if L$ is lost from the database.citeweb|url=http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php|title=Second Life Terms of Service|author=
Linden Lab |accessdate=2006-11-18]Monetary Policy
In addition, recent articles [citeweb|url=http://www.mises.org/story/2862|title=Wildcat Banking in the Virtual Frontier|author=Mises.org - Beller, Matthew|date=
February 5 ,2008 ] [citeweb|url=http://www.mises.org/story/2640|title=The Coming Second Life Business Cycle|author=Mises.org - Beller, Matthew|date=August 2 ,2007 ] published by theLudwig von Mises Institute warned that while Linden Lab maintains a currency peg of about L$270=US$1, it is only partially backed by Linden Lab's revenue in US Dollar, as there is a perpetual deficit between Linden Dollar creation (from stipends, see below) andUSD revenue received by Linden Labs. The difference is made up by Linden Labs creating Linden Dollars out of nothing (just as governments turn to the printing press to create money). This might lead to a recession if Linden Labs is forced to tighten its monetary policy, or an outright economic collapse if people lose confidence in the peg's sustainability. [http://www.mises.org/story/2640] [http://www.mises.org/story/2862] (seehyperinflation ).In light of this, Linden Lab has been gradually lowering the amount of the Linden Dollar stipend paid out to residents. In the past, basic accounts received L$250 starting money plus a L$50 stipend every week that they logged in. The weekly stipend was ended.
In similar fashion, the Premium stipend has fallen from L$500 to L$300 over time, though for each individual the stipend in effect at sign-up time remains in effect.
Currently, Lindex exchange rates run 265 L$ per USD on average, with variations of about 5% at various times. On SLX exchange, and other independent exchanges like ACE and BNTF, rates run higher, 275-285 L$ per USD, possibly because Linden Labs process credit system takes 5 days to deliver the withdrawn funds, while independent exchanges pay out much quicker, indicating a premium for prompt delivery.
Acts of Linden
Linden Lab, as the actual owner of all the software and server side hardware that makes up Second Life, has unique, almost god-like ability to change all aspects of the world, from the economy to the physics to the morals.
Changes made or proposed by Linden Lab are thus like "Acts of God". Some changes have had the effect of creating new markets, but also have on occasion destroyed or removed the value of existing ones, or inadvertently given a market leader at a particular time unique advantages that entrench them as a market leader in the future. Skeptics point out that unless this power is very tightly controlled and transparent, the Linden economy is unlikely to attract very large investment. Fact|date=November 2007 .
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