John Zachman

John Zachman

John Zachman is an American computer scientist and is the originator of the Zachman framework, which is considered worldwide to be the de facto standard for classifying the descriptive representations (models) that comprise enterprise architecture. It has been adopted by the United States Federal Chief Information Officers Council as a part of the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework Standard. Prior to this work, he worked on IBM's IS methodology called Business Systems Planning, and their Executive team planning techniques (Intensive Planning).

Zachman [ Biographical Sketch] joined IBM in 1964 and retired in 1990, having served them for 26 years. He is Chief Executive Officer of Zachman International, co-founder of the Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement (ZIFA), and Chairman of the Board of Zachman Framework Associates. He is a Fellow for the College of Business Administration of the University of North Texas. He serves on the Advisory Board for Boston University’s Institute for Leading in a Dynamic Economy (BUILDE), the Advisory Board for the Data Resource Management Program at the University of Washington and the Advisory Board of the Data Administration Management Association International (DAMA-I) from whom he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award in May 2002. [Data Management Association - Lifetime Achievement Award ]

He has written an eBook on the Zachman framework and a number of articles, including the seminal "A Framework for Information Systems Architecture" a 1987 paper in the IBM Systems Journal, and according to IBM " ... is one of the most highly cited papers ever published in the IBM Journals." ["A Framework for Information Systems Architecture", John A. Zachman, IBM Systems Journal, vol. 26, no. 3, 1987. IBM Publication G321-5298. ] a second IBM Systems Journal paper on 'Extending the Framework' in 1992. [Extending and Formalizing the Framework for Information Systems Architecture with J.F. Sowa ] He also coauthored the book "Data Stores, Data Warehousing, and the Zachman Framework: Managing Enterprise Knowledge" with Bill Inmon and J.G. Geiger. ["Data Stores, Data Warehousing, and the Zachman Framework: Managing Enterprise Knowledge", Mcgraw-Hill Series on Data Warehousing and Data Management, May 1997, ISBN 0-070-31429-2] and has written forewords to more than a hundred books on related subjects.


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