- Andrey Livadny
Andrey Lvovich Livadny ( _ru. Андрей Львович Ливадный, born
May 27 ,1969 ) is a Russianmilitary science fiction writer. His works have begun to be published in 1998 and include several novels, tales and stories. Most of the works are merged into "The History of the Galaxy " series, which embraces the human development within the next 2,000 years. Many of Livadny's works, like 2000 "Dabog", are pierced by the antiwar sentiments.Livadny resides in
Pskov .Bibliography
Wikipedia:Notability (fiction)
*"Burden of Warrior" ("Бремя воина")
*"The Lost One" ("Потерянная")
*"City of Dead" ("Город мëртвых")
*"Ambassador" ("Посол")
*"Dark Side of the Earth" ("Тëмная сторона Земли")
*"Decided Superiority" ("Реальное превосходство")
*"Forced Landing" ("Вынужденная посадка")
*"Black Oasis" ("Чëрный oазис")
*"The Relic" ("Реликт")
*"Cluster of Shiran" ("Скопление Ширана")
*"The World On The Palm" ("Мир на ладони")
*"Liben nicknamed Styx" ("Лайбен по прозвищу Стикс")
*"The Ark" ("Ковчег")
*"Ganymede Rising" ("Восход Ганимеда")
*"Lifeform" ("Форма жизни") series
**"The Colony" ("Колония")
**"Master of the Night" ("Владыка ночи") – prequel to "The Colony".
**"The Rebellious Procyon" ("Мятежный Процион")
*"Another Mind" ("Иной разум") series
**"Platoon" ("Взвод")
**"Adjacent Sector" ("Смежный сектор")External links
* [http://www.livadnyy.ru/index.php?id=36 Official site (English version)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.