- Tryphena Sparks
Tryphena Sparks (
20 March 1851 -17 March 1890 ), born inPuddletown ,Dorset , the youngest child of James and Maria Sparks, wasThomas Hardy 's cousin and possible lover. [ [http://members.aol.com/thardy1001/tryphena.html Thomas Hardy Country : Tryphena Sparks ] ] She was the inspiration for Hardy's poem "Thoughts of Phena at News of Her Death." [Millgate, Michael "Thomas Hardy: A Biography Revisited" (2004) Oxford University Press, ISBN 0199275661] She married Charles Frederick Gale, a publican, 15 December 1877. She had four children: Eleanor, Charles, George and Herbert. [ [http://www.exetermemories.co.uk/EM/_pubs/drakes.php Exeter Memories - Drakes in Topsham ] ] She died from a rupture caused by childbirth and is buried inTopsham ,Devon .References
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