- MSN Video
MSN Video is an internet video streaming service created and run by
Microsoft . It features various content, including music videos,news video,sports videos, movie videos,JibJab ,IFILM picks and other viral videos, original content, TV shows such as Arrested Development, and news shorts. It also hosted the semi-finalists forFilm Your Issue .MSN Soapbox was an invitation-only public beta until February of 2007 when it became a public beta service under the family of MSN Video products.MSN Soapbox allows users to upload video clips, just likeYoutube . A major difference betweenYoutube andMSN Soapbox is that Soapbox states in its privacy policy that use of copyrighted material is not allowed and will be deleted.ee also
*Windows Live
*Soapbox on MSN Video
*Live Search Video
*MSN Mobile
*vMix External links
* [http://video.msn.com/ MSN Video Site]
* [http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/news/recent_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003409761 Arrested Development Available on MSN Video, by Mediaweek]
* [http://www.worldscreen.com/newscurrent.php?filename=msn110806.htm NBC Universal Digital Studios to Produce Content for MSN Video, by WorldScreen.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.