La Luce di Vita

La Luce di Vita

La Luce di Vita is an Italian soap opera. It made a breakthrough in Italian soap opera's along with "Terra dei Furfanti" that came out in 2002. Many great actors and actresses were asked to join in into this breakthrough. Villains yet again were brought into this soap opera.

Plot details

The story draws out a young boy named Michael who lives with a wealthy family. Two years ago he witnessed his own father get murdered, and his very own mother got sent to jail for that crime which she did not commit. Throughout the years that passed by he did whatever it took to uncover the mysterious murder of his father and the injustice of his mother as well. Now as he gains control of his inheritance which his father left him before he died, he uses part of that money to free his mother from jail and to search for the truth that have kept them apart. With money and power, Michael and his mother Lucia fight the injustice that they faced and humility that was brought towards them. But as they get closer to uncovering the truth of the death of Michael's father, the very own murderer now hunts them down and does whatever it takes so that the truth will be sealed forever.

The opening scene starts off outside, every character is looking at the camera. The good people are on the left side while the villains are on the right side. There is a voice that introduces the soap opera and says "We welcome you to La Luce di Vita. A story of love, mystery, injustice, villains, and lies in every corner. A secret is hidden within this family, each character has their own story. Every villain has their own way, they protect what belongs to them. Lucia and Michael are known as villains in the story, trying to find justice of what had happened to them throughout their life and also of what had happened two years ago with the mysterious murder of Michael's father. Not only is power and money on their side but justice as well, they will do everything it takes to seek revenge on the people who messed with their lives and give them what they deserve. Time is running out for them, the murderer is close to vanishing them from the truth. Within this family may lie the true murderer, everybody is a suspect. Every person in this family may have had a reason to kill Michael's father. But as the truth is sought and the murder is almost solved, the murderer strikes on anybody that tries to get in the way."

Confirmed cast

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