

Gosteli is a rare yet distinguished surname of Swiss origin. This surname's history can be traced back to as early as the 12th century where it was held by many nobles and people of great importance. Information on the Gosteli surname turns up randomly within the Swiss Confederation and throughout Switzerland's history. Due to the lack of record keeping in early times, most of the history is not well documented until the year 1500. One of the early Gosteli families listed is Jakob Gosteli, born around 1522 in Bolligen, Bern, Switzerland. His family consisted of wife, Christina Schmid, and 3 sons & 3 daughters: Martin, Michael, Niklaus, Barbli, Christine, and Barbel. Through canton and church records, many Gosteli family lines can be traced to this point.

The Swiss origin of the Gosteli name lies within the Bolligen, Bern region of Switzerland. Today the Gosteli surname is still primarily found in Switzerland but a few branches of the family line can also be found in areas of UK, Canada and the USA.

Notable Gosteli

*Benedikt Gosteli Died in the 1798 Napoleon invasion of Ostermundigen, Switzerland. [http://www.pierre-aerni.ch/sub80.htm 1]
* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gosteli Marthe Gosteli] - Founder of [http://www.gosteli-foundation.ch/ Gosteli Foundation]
*Fritz Gosteli - President [http://www.calgarycrossbowclub.com/ Alberta Swiss Crossbow Association]
*Sonja C. Gosteli - President [http://www.globi.ca Globi Web Solutions]
*James R. Gosteli - Mayor of Cheadle, Alberta and Photography Artist
*Brett A. Gosteli - President [http://www.gcsolve.com Gosteli Computer Solutions]
*Hans Gosteli - [http://www.myswitzerland.com/en/offer-Activities_Excursions-Discover%20and%20Explore-18018.html Antica Masseria Gosteli]

ee also

*History of Bern
*History of Zürich
*History of the Grisons
*Swiss Confederation
*The Swiss Mercenaries of early history
*The Swiss-German Language
* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gosteli Gosteli Stiftung]

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