John Bolger

John Bolger

John Bolger (born February 26, 1954 in New York City; grew up in Jamaica, Queens) is an American actor. He attended Bucknell University in the early 1970's, and was a Dorm Resident Adviser as well as appearing in many campus productions.

He married in 1979 and has three children. John Bolger is the great nephew of Ray Bolger, who played Scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz". In 1988, he co-founded the Willow Cabin Theatre Company, which produces several plays each year. He is friends with Jill Farren Phelps.


*"General Hospital (Mayor Garrett Floyd, 2006-Present)"
*"Almost Golden: The Jessica Savich Story"
*"Ned Kelly"
*"Law & Order"
*"Sex And The City"
*"One Life to Live" (John Sykes: 1998-2001; 2004)
*"New York Undercover "
*"Another World" (Gabe McNamara)
*"NYPD Blue"
*"Friday the 13th"
*"Guiding Light" (Phillip Spaulding (#3), 1985-1986)
*"The Black Donnellys" (Bobby Donnelly, 2007)
*"Parting Glances

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*imdb name|id=0092947

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