- Jane Straus
Jane Straus, author of [http://www.stopenduring.com/ Enough Is Enough! Stop Enduring and Start Living Your Extraordinary Life] (Jossey-Bass, 2005) and the novel Touched, and author and publisher of [http://www.grammarbook.com/ The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation] , was born on May 18, 1954 in San Francisco, California. The daughter of two
holocaust survivors, she won the Outstanding Female Student award graduating from Giannini Jr. High, went on to graduate with honors from Lowell High School, and then attended theUniversity of California at Berkeley and Davis, where she also graduated with honors. From experiencing sexual molestation as a preteen and teen, she chose to focus her career on emotional healing and communications. She holds a lifetime adult education teaching credential and was awarded an Outstanding Young Woman of America plaque for her social activism. She has been a spiritual life coach for over 25 years as well as a keynote speaker and seminar facilitator in the areas of self-help and communications. In 2003 she was diagnosed with a noncancerousbrain tumor which was successfully removed. This life-changing experience was the genesis for her writing Enough Is Enough! She is married, has one daughter, and lives in Northern California where she has a private transformational life-coaching practice. She has just finished her first novel, Touched, from which a screenplay was adapted.
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