Amin Kamil

Amin Kamil

Amin Kamil (1924 - ) is a major voice in Kashmiri poetry and one of the chief exponents of modern ghazal in the language [Modern Indian Literature, an Anthology By K. M. George [] ] . His influence is widely accepted by his contempraries and later generations [Shafi Shauq and Naji Munawar, History of Kashmiri Literature, University of Kashmir, Srinagar.] . Kamil, besides being a poet, has also written short stories and a novel and works of literary criticism [I. Vi. Rāmakriṣṇan, Indian Short Stories 1900-2000, p. 347, Sahitya Akedemi, New Delhi.] . He has also written a number of plays and musicals for the radio. His critically edited collection of Sufi poetry (Sufi Shair, 3 vols., 1964-6.5) remains a definitive text which has been widely acclaimed. He has also edited the collected verse of Nund Reshi, [Ghulam Nabi Gauhar, Encyclopedia of Indian Literature, Vol 5, p. 4082, Shitya Akademi, New Delhi.] and that of Habba Khatun. Kamil is also known as a scholar of high calibre.

Kamil has also given us some memorable poems in the Nazm form. He edited the independent journal "Neab" for some time. As a critic he has acquired wide recognition. He also helped create the modified alphabet presently used for Kashmiri language. Kamil has also contributed to the field of translation. His translation of Tagore's "Dak Ghar", as also the poetry of the Urdu poet lqbal have been significant additions to the corpus of translated literature available in Kashmiri.

Kamil was born at Kaprin, a village in South Kashmir. He graduated in Arts from the Punjab University and took his degree in Law from the Aligarh Muslim University. He joined the Bar in 1947 and continued to practice Law till 1949, when he was appointed a Lecturer in Sri Pratap College, Srinagar. He was closely associated with the writers' movement of that time and under its influence switched over from Urdu to Kashmiri as his medium of expression. He joined the State Cultural Academy when it was set up in 1958 and was appointed the Convener for Kashmiri language. He later became Editor for Kashmiri and edited the two journals of the Cultural AcademySheeraza andSon Adab with distinction for many years. He retired from the service of the Cultural Academy in 1979.


Kamil's contribution in the filed of fiction adds to his stature. In 1958, "Gati Manz Gaash" (Light amidst darkness) was published, a novel inspired by the well-known observation of Mahatma Gandhi in the context of the aftermath of the partition of the Indian sub-continent in 1947, that in the midst of darkness prevailing everywhere he had found a ray of light in Kashmir alone.

Kamil has attempted to provide this concept with blood and bone which, of course, is a highly exacting task. The heroine Fatima, an educated young Muslim maiden of a distant village, working as a school teacher in Baramulla, the scene of carnage committed by the tribal invaders, prefers to be known as the widow of Ramkrishan, an ugly and illiterate Hindu, who had given his life to protect her honor. It is the only Kashmiri novel that is based on historical events.

Kamil's collection of short stories, "Kathi Manz Kath" (Story within Story) published in mid-60s includes his masterpiece, "Kokar Jang" (The Cockfight). The Cockfight is considered as the most popular story in the Kashmiri literature. It has been translated into many Indian languages and has appeared in English translation in anthologies such as "Indian Short Stories 1900-2000" edited by I. Vi. Ramakrishan [Indian Short Stories (1900-2000) by I. vi. Ramakrishnan [] ] ; "Contemporary Kashmiri Short Stories" edited by Hriday Kaul Bharati, Neerja Mattoo [Contemporary Kashmiri Short Stories edited by Hriday Kaul Bharati, Neerja Mattoo [] ] ; "Contemporary Indian Short Stories Vol 3" all published by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. The Cockfight is precribed in the school and university curriculum in Jammu and Kashmir. It has also appeared in "Best Loved Indian Stories of the Century" published by Penguin India in 1999. Prof. J L Koul wrires about this story that "...perhaps, the comic muse at its subtlest best (though not unmixed with irony) in Kashmiri short story is to be seen in Amin Kamil's Hini Rahman and Kokar Jang, particularly in the latter, in which the foibles and eccentricities of character of the two women neighbors, Jaana Bits and Shah Maal, are expressed through their respective cocks." [J L Koul, Studies in Kashmiri, Kapoor Brothers, 1968, p.261.] Kamil has a special talent for blending humor, irony and politics/social coment in his stories as well as poems. As an example of this, in his poems, is "Taay Nama" published in mid-80s. Kamil's poems as well as stories frequently comment on the socio-political situation of Kashmir. In this connection, his story "Sawal Chu Kaluk" [ Enigma] has received much acclaim.


Kamil is a master of the Kashmiri Ghazal and has been instrumental in fashioning it into an entity distinct from its Urdu and Persian counterparts. His poetry is marked by freshness of sensibility, maturity of expression and striking technical innovation which together give him a diction uniquely his own.

Kamil employs subtle humor with devastating effect in his poetry. Through it he mirrors contemporary life and makes a social comment on his milieu. It, however, is satire or humor that does not bruise, but heals. Kamil is metaphysical and introspective as well and in some ways represents the continuity of the quintessence of his own literary tradition minus its ponderousness. He has the quality of being simple as well as profound at the same time. This he does in purely Kashmiri tenor. In spite of his erudition he has never fallen prey to the transplantation of an alien metaphor, borrowing of a foreign concept or trend in literature.

Amin Kamil has influenced a whole generation of Kashmiri poets, in particular the Ghazal writing poets. Many have tried to approximate his diction, but he stands alone. This is in part due to his poetic concerns that are deeply humanistic, his rich word-hoard which is informed by his upbringing as well as a deep study of tradition, and his literary rectitude. His mastery over prosody and nuanced understanding of his chosen language has also contributed towards this preeminence. Writing in the Encyclopedia of Indian Literature, Ghulam Nabi Gauhar sums up Kamil thus: "He is a master of Kashmiri Ghazal and has to his credit poems of eternal value." [Ghulam Nabi Gauhar, Encyclopedia of Indian Literature, Vol 2, p. 1392, Shitya Akademi, New Delhi.]

Awards and honours

gets further refinement in Kamils later collections of poetry, namely, "Beyi Suy Paan" (Again the Same Self, 1967), "Padis Pod Tshay" (One Foot Shadowing the Other, 1972) and "Yim Myan Sokhan" (These, My Words, 2007).

Kamil has won many awards for his books and achievement including awards from the Jammu & Kashmir Cultural Academy, the State Government of Jammu & Kashmir, Robes of Honor from many prestigious organizations, International Irfan Foundation Award, Kashmir University's Lifetime Achievement award, and Padma Shri from the Indian government ref> [ Indian Poets I Bio-Notes on Kashmiri Poets I ] ]


External links

* [ Kamil's official website]
* [ Muse India Archive]
* [ The Cock-fight]
* [ Kamil as Editor]

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