Gloria Origgi

Gloria Origgi

Gloria Origgi (born 1967) is an Italian philosopher at the CNRS in Paris (Institut Jean Nicod) who works on the theory of mind, epistemology and cognitive sciences applied to new technology. She is the founder (in 2002) and director of the innovative [] project, a portal where many international virtual conferences in the social and cognitive sciences are being organized.

Gloria Origgi has published a book on the American philosopher Willard Van Orman Quine, "Introduzione a Quine", Laterza, 2000. She has edited the collection of essays "Text-e. Text in the age of the Internet", Palgrave, 2006, based on a web conference that she co-organized with Noga Arikha and the research team of the library of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris (contributors include Umberto Eco, Jason Epstein, Dan Sperber and Theodore Zeldin). She has published numerous articles on social epistemology and cultural issues in English, French and Italian.

See also

* Institut Jean Nicod

External links

* [ Gloria Origgi's blog]
* [ Edge/Third Culture: Gloria Origgi]

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