- Hadith of the succession of Abu Bakr
hadith , a famous recorded oral tradition among Muslims, relates the succession to Abu Bakr, the secondSunni Caliph .Although the narration is prominently quoted and referred to, it is not given any formal name, in contrast to other hadith such as the
Hadith of the pond of Khumm or theHadith of Qur'an and Sunnah Introduction
Umar helped Abu Bakr to come into power during the
Succession to Muhammad , and Abu Bakr appointed Umar as his own successor.Narration
PresentScholar|Husain Mohammad Jafri|20th|Shi'a writes:
PresentScholar|Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari|10th|Sunni writes:cquote|bgcolor=#F0FFF0|
Abu Bakr called 'Uthman -when the former was dying-and told him to write an appointment order, and dictated to him: "In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is the order of 'Abdullah ibn Abi Quhafah (i.e., Abu Bakr) to the Muslims. Whereas..." Then he fell unconscious. 'Uthman added the words: "I appoint 'Umar ibn al-Khattab as my successor among you."Then Abu Bakr regained his consciousness and told 'Uthman to read the order to him. 'Uthman read it; Abu Bakr said,
Allahu Akbar ', and was pleased and commented, "I think you were afraid that people would disagree amongst themselves if I died in that state." 'Uthman replied, "Yes." Abu Bakr said: "May Allah reward you on behalf of Islam and the Muslims." [History of the Prophets and Kings pp. 2138-9.] Imamate: The Vicegerency of the Prophet [http://www.al-islam.org/ Al-islam.org] [http://www.al-islam.org/imamate/3.htm] ]PresentScholar|Ibn Abu al-Hadid|13th|Mu'tazili writes:
Other scholars quote:cquote|bgcolor=#F0FFF0|This is a testament of Abu Bakr, the successor of the Prophet of God, to the believers and the Muslims... I have appointed as ruler over you 'Umar b. al-Khattab, so listen to him and obey him. I have not made him your ruler except for [your] good." [
The Origins and Early Development of Shi`a Islam [http://www.karbala-najaf.org/shiaism/058-079.htm p.58-079] , referencing "Ya`qubi, Ya`qubi, II,p. 136 f.; also see Tabari, I, p. 2138 ; 'Iqd, IV, p. 267, with slight variations in wording"]Then they state: "When Abu Bakr declared Umar his successor, the Sahaba were so fearful of the consequences they ran to Abu Bakr and said 'What response will you give to Allah for placing Umar over us?'" [ [http://www.answering-ansar.org/answers/mutah/en/chap7.php Answering-Ansar.org :: Mut'ah, a comprehensive guide ] ]
PresentScholar|Suyuti|16th|Sunni writes:
Muslim view
Muslims view this hadith as notable and important on several accounts: several prominent persons are mentioned in the hadith and several controversial issues are dealt with.
unni view
hi'a view
PresentScholar|Husain Mohammad Jafri|20th|Shi'a writes:cquote|bgcolor=#F0FFF0|The caliphate of
Abu Bakr lasted just over two years, and on his deathbed he explicitly appointed 'Umar, already a ruling power behind him, as his successor. The way he arranged the problem of succession after him leaves us in no doubt that Abu Bakr had made up his mind in favour of 'Umar since his assumption of the caliphate. He took careful measures to preclude any possibility of opposition to his nomination of `Umar and made sure that the latter should not face any difficulty. He was fully aware of `Ali's claims to the caliphate and the support and respect he enjoyed from a certain group... Nothing could change Abu Bakr's mind, and he asked `Uthman to write down his testament in favour of `Umar. The community at large had no share in the choice and was told by the Caliph to accept his nomination and obey 'Umar as the new caliph after him, for he could not think of anyone more suitable than him....
Anyone reading the account of 'Umar's nomination by Abu Bakr will immediately notice that the decision was neither based on the method of consultation with the elite of the people, nor was the opinion of the community in generalsought before the choice was made. It was simply Abu Bakr's own personal and arbitrary decision, which he wanted to be endorsed by only those of the Companions whom he considered most important from a clannish point of view, as will be seen below. For our interest, however, at once the most important and revealing point is that in this entire rocess of the nomination of `Umar by Abu Bakr, '
Ali was totally ignored and excluded from the ranks of those the dying Caliph called for consultation, if consultation it was, and whose support he tried to secure. In fact, as all of our sources unanimously report, from all the Companions of the Prophet only two, 'Abd ar-Rahman b. 'Awf and Uthman, were selected by Abu Bakr for consultation and then were entrusted with the charge of wholehearted support or 'Umar [Tabari , I, p.2137;Ya`qubi , loc. cit.;Hadid ,Sharh ,, I, p. 164. Also seeMubarrad ,Kamil , I, p.7] . This in all probability must have been on the suggestion of 'Umar himself, who planned to counteract any possible opposition from theBanu Hashim by appealing to this branch of the Quraysh. 'Abd ar-Rahman belonged to theBanu Zuhra and 'Uthman to theBanu Umayya , both of which had been serious rivals ofBanu Hashim before Islam. The emergence of these two Companions was very characteristic in many ways, especially for the development of the later history of the caliphate, for they represented the wealthiest circles of the Muslim community [cf.Masudi ,Muruj , II, pp.332 f.] . 'Abd ar-Rahman was 'Uthman'sbrother-in-law, and the two men could be expected to support each other. The former also had the wholehearted support of Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas, a fellow clan member and cousin from the Banu Zuhra. In this way the direct support and influence of the most important political elements among the Muhaji-run were secured to oppose any possible activity from the Banu Hashim and their partisans in favour of `Ali's candidacyThe Origins and Early Development of Shi`a Islam [http://www.karbala-najaf.org/shiaism/058-079.htm p.58-079] ] .cquote|bgcolor=#F0FFF0|And when such an Apostle, five days before his death wished to write a directive to save Muslims from going astray, he was accused of 'talking in delirium'.
When Abu Bakr who had no such Divine protection from error, began dictation of the appointment letter in such critical condition that he fell unconscious before naming his successor, 'Umar did not say that he was talking in delirium! .
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