

Polycles, Ancient Greek name, held by:

#A Macedonian general who was left in the command of Thessaly by Antipater, when the latter crossed over into Asia to the support of Craterus in 321 BC. The Aetolians took advantage of Antipater's absence to invade Locris, besieging Amphissa. Polycles hurried to lift the siege, but was defeated and killed.(Diod. xviii. 38.)
#One of the partisans and counsellors of Eurydice III of Macedon, who shared in her defeat by Olympias in 317 BC and accompanied her when she then fled to Amphipolis, where she was soon afterwards taken pri­soner. (Diod. xix. 11.)
#Polycles (370BC), sculptor, flourished about the 102nd Olympiad (370 BCE), mentioned in Pliny's Natural History (XXXV.8.19).
#Polycles (155BC), sculptor flourished about the 156th Olympiad (155 BCE), mentioned in Pliny's Natural History (XXXV.8.19).


*William Smith, "A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [http://ancientlibrary.com/smith-bio/2791.html "Polycles"]

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