

Bukwa is a district of Uganda created on 1 July 2005. It has a population of 49,826 according to a 2002 census. Formerly part of Kapchorwa District, it was created from Kongasis county. The creation of this district was a Political strategy of the ruling Movement party prior to the Presidential Elections to win the people's favour. It has highly educated population, but many of these educated persons have sought for greener pastures in the neighbouring country, Kenya.

The district has inaccessible roads, lack of electricity power, lack of telecommunication services. Whereas this part of the country is a Strategic business point both for foreign trade and Agricultural benefits, it seems to have been ignored by most of the past Governments and the people here have lived in abject poverty as well as persistent insecurity challenges dating back to the 1960s. Most of the people from the Northern part of the District have been internally dispalced by cattle rustlers and since then have not been resettled back in their lands. Some of these people opted to purchase land from areas that appeared secure while others that could not afford still remain squatters on well-wishers' lands.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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