

French commune

x = 51
y = 97
canton=Ploërmel (chief town)
maire=Béatrice le Marre
intercomm= Communauté de Communes de Ploërmel
alt moy=75 m
alt mini=19 m
alt maxi=106 m

Ploërmel ( _br. Ploermael) is a commune of France, in the Morbihan "département", in the Brittany "région".

Character of the town

It is a growing and developing community with a thriving economy and a lively atmosphere. The town is modern rather than romantically mediaeval, but it is clean and attractive and offers a great lifestyle with all amenities and easy access to most parts of Brittany. Ploërmel is set on the edge of the magical Paimpont forest, which legend proclaims is the home of Merlin the Magician, amongst other fantastical characters [ [ FrenchPropertiyLinks] ] .


In 1351, during the Breton War of Succession (part of the Hundred Years' War), two groups of approximately 30 English and French knights staged a tournament near the gates of town, to show their prowess and make money by capturing opponents. The French team eventually won after killing or capturing the English force. This was later known as the Combat of the Thirty.

On 10 December, 2006, the city unveiled an 8.75 m tall statue of Pope John Paul II. It was a gift by Russo-Georgian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, and has sparked some controversy over the separation of Church and State [ [ BBC News] ] .

The town gave its name to a monastic order, the Brothers of Ploërmel. [] The "Doctor Who" actor Tom Baker was a monk of the order for a while in Jersey. [ [ Tom Baker mini-biography] ]

In 2008 from May 24th till June 1, 2008 the City of Ploërmel became the first City in France to host the International Federation of Carnival Cities Congress [ [ Carnival Cities] ] . The Ploërmel Carnival is the largest in central Brittany and is held on Saturdays at the beginning and end of May.


Inhabitants of Ploërmel are called "Ploërmelais".

At the 1999 census, the population of the town was formatnum:7525.

Twin Towns

* Cobh, Republic of Ireland
* Gorseinon & Llwchwr, Wales
* Kolbuszowa, Poland


* [ Mayors of Morbihan Association] fr icon
* [ INSEE] en icon
* [ IGN] en icon

External links

* [ Official website] fr icon
* [ French Ministry of Culture list for Ploërmel] fr icon
* [ Map of Ploërmel on Michelin] en icon
* [ Guide to Ploërmel and Property in the Area] en icon

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