

is the name of many temples in Japan.
* Jishō-in at Nishi-Ochiai in Shinjuku, Tokyo is known as nihongo|"Cat Jizō"|猫地蔵|nekojizō or "cat temple". The statue of jizō can be shown publicly once a year on the day of "setsubun" (February 3) with bean scattering and parade of "Shichifukujin" at 2:30 PM. The temple locates facing new-Ōme-street and near Mejiro-street.
* Jishō-in at Kameido in Kōtō, Tokyo is known as nihongo|"Takenojō temple"|竹之丞寺|Takenojōdera or nihongo|"Actor temple"|役者寺|Yakushadera. Ichimura Takenojō, a Japanese actor and act promoter, visited the temple in April, 1679, during the Edo period of Japanese history. The temple was relocated from Honjo (present day Sumida, Tokyo) during the Edo period.

There is a modern temple of the same name in Tokyo, currently headed by Eichi Osawa.

External links and references

* [http://www.Kabuki21.com/takenojo1.php Ichimura Takenojô visits the Jiseiin]
* [http://www.tendaitokyo.jp/jiinmei/jinss/ss1jisho.asp Jishō-in at Kameido]
* Geyer, Georgie Anne, 1935- When Cats Reigned Like Kings: On the Trail of the Sacred Cats

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