- Rockall Basin
The Rockall Basin is a large (ca. 800 km by 150 km)
sedimentary basin that lies to the west ofIreland and theUnited Kingdom beneath the major deepwater area known as theRockall Trough . It is named afterRockall a rocky islet lying 301.4 km west of St Kilda.tructure
The nature of the crust beneath the Rockall Trough has long been a matter of debate. Originally thought to be
oceanic crust it is now generally considered to be highly stretchedcontinental crust , although some groups of researchers continue to favour either oceanic or transitional style crust, particularly at the southern end of the basin.The Rockall Basin forms part of a chain of highly extended
Mesozoic rift basin s between the Charlie-Gibb andSenja Fracture Zone s, that includes; theFaeroe-Shetland Basin , theMøre Basin , and theVøring Basin .There are indications that the Rockall Basin developed within an earlier rift system, which is likely to be of
Triassic to MiddleJurassic in age, by analogy with the nearby Slyne-Erris Basins. The age of the main rift phase in the Rockall Basin is strongly debated, with Late Jurassic, Early-, Mid- and LateCretaceous all being suggested.Economic Geology
To date, there has been comparatively little drilling to explore for oil and gas within the Rockall Basin and only two discoveries have been made, Benbecula in the northern U.K. Rockall (Shell originally
Enterprise Oil ) and Dooish in the northern Irish Rockall (Shell originally Enterprise Energy Ireland).The discoveries show that, at least locally, there is a working
petroleum system .ee also
Porcupine Basin
* Slyne-Erris BasinReferences
*R.S.Haszeldine and M.J.Russell. 1987. The Late Carboniferous northern North Atlantic Ocean: implications for hydrocarbon exploration from Britain to the Arctic. In: J.Brooks and K.W.Glennie (Eds) Petroleum Geology of North West Europe, Graham and Trotman, London, 1163-1175.
*D.Naylor, P.M.Shannon and N.Murphy. 1999. Irish Rockall Basin region - a standard structural nomenclature system. Petroleum Affairs Division, Dublin, Special Publications. 1/99.
*N.C.Morewood, G.D.Mackenzie, P.M.Shannon, B.M.O'Reilly, P.W.Readman and J.Makris. 2005. The crustal structure and regional development of the Irish Atlantic Margin. In: A.G.Dore and B.A.Vining (Eds) Petroleum Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives - Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference, 1023-1033, Geological Society, London.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.