Factor of automorphy

Factor of automorphy

In mathematics, the notion of factor of automorphy arises for a group acting on a complex-analytic manifold. Suppose a group G acts on a complex-analytic manifold X. Then, G also acts on the space of holomorphic functions from X to the complex numbers. A function f is termed an "automorphic form" if the following holds:

: f(g.x) = j_g(x)f(x)

where j_g(x) is an everywhere nonzero holomorphic function. Equivalently, an automorphic form is a function whose divisor is invariant under the action of G.

The "factor of automorphy" for the automorphic form f is the function j. An "automorphic function" is an automorphic form for which j is the identity.

Some facts about factors of automorphy:

* Every factor of automorphy is a cocycle for the action of G on the multiplicative group of everywhere nonzero holomorphic functions.
* The factor of automorphy is a coboundary if and only if it arises from an everywhere nonzero automorphic form.
* For a given factor of automorphy, the space of automorphic forms is a vector space.
* The pointwise product of two automorphic forms is an automorphic form corresponding to the product of the corresponding factors of automorphy.

Relation between factors of automorphy and other notions:

* Let Gamma be a lattice in a Lie group G. Then, a factor of automorphy for Gamma corresponds to a line bundle on the quotient group G/Gamma. Further, the automorphic forms for a given factor of automorphy correspond to sections of the corresponding line bundle.

The specific case of Gamma a subgroup of "SL(2,R)", acting on the upper half-plane, is treated in the article on automorphic factors.


*springer|id=a/a014170|author=A.N. Andrianov,A.N. Parshin|title=Automorphic Function "(The commentary at the end defines automorphic factors in modern geometrical language)"
*springer|id=a/a014160|author=A.N. Parshin|title=Automorphic Form

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