- La Aldehuela
La Aldehuela ("Aldehuela" means 'small village' in Spanish) is a municipality of
Spain in the province ofÁvila , in the Autonomous Community ofCastile and Leon . It has a 17.04 km² area, a population of 233 inhabitants (2005) and a density of 13.91 people/km².The mayor is
José Hernandez Lazaro , who belongs to the People's Party (PP). The corporation is formed by five councilmen of this party and one of theSpanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE).Services
* Extension of the Colegio Rural Agrupado (Joint Rural School) "El Calvitero".
* In 1998 a pharmacy was opened at the village.
* The municipality belongs to Mancomunidad de Servicios de Barco-Piedrahíta.
* Local Secretary mondays, wednesdays and fridays from 10 to 2.
* 4 rural houses atLas Navas andEl Rehoyo .
* The nearest office bank is at 6 km. inLa Horcajada .Population
La Aldehuela had 237 inhabitants according to the census conducted by the Spanish National Institute of Stadistics (INE) in 2004. 117 of them were men and 120 women.
Demographic development of La Aldehuela from 1991 to 2005
* 1900: 774.
* 1910: 739.
* 1920: 784.
* 1991: 309.
* 1996: 291.
* 2001: 256.
* 2004: 237.
* 2005: 233.La Aldehuela contains 5 districts:
*Los Molinos (The Mills)
*Las Navas
*El Rehoyo
*Solanas del Carrascal (Carrascal is aholm-oak forest)
*Las Solanillas Geography
The municipality is 70 kilometers from Ávila by the N-110 road. The 319.5 road divides the main body of population of the village. La Aldehuela extends along and is contained within the fertile and narrow valley of the
Caballeruelos River , running from northeast to southwest. The valley is delimited by the mountain range of Piedrahíta to the southeast and cols nearLa Horcajada towards the northwest, giving passage from theValley of the Corneja to the valley of theTormes . This circumstance has the effect that the village's local allegiance varies, although generally, according to the sources, it considers itself as part of the region of theValley of the Corneja . The Delegation of Ávila however assigns the municipality to themacroregion ofBarco-Piedrahi'ta (in any case most western of the province).Nearest mountains are:
Tayaruela (1,963 m.s), the Meadow, Los Barranqueros, Level Head, la Campana, Caballera Rock and Los Rullos.The
Caballeruelos River is very irregular and every summer is almost dried up. It rises near the mountain ranges of the Flagstone and of Santiago. Numerous streams and springs flow into it (Rebollar, Bullicio, Gargantilla and others). The Caballeruelos finally ends the Tormes at the municipal term of Vallehondo after passing throughSanta Maria de Los Caballeros andSan Lorenzo de Tormes .Before Javier del Burgo provincial reorganization in 1833 La Aldehuela belonged to the province of Salamanca, as the rest of the natural area of the Higher Tormes.
Co-ordinated of the different population centers
* El Rehoyo: latitude 5º 23' 20"the west/ length 40º 25 ' 33" north.
* Las Navas: latitude 5° 24' 5"the west/ length 40° 24 ' 14" north.
* The Small village (main body): latitude 5° 24' 33"the west/ length 40° 24 ' 37" north.Nature
The common fauna is made up of domesticated animals that live in the farms of the villagers (horses, cows, ewes, hens and pigs), as well as of wild animals like the wild boars, foxes, bats and jinetas. The most common birds are sparrows, finches, milanos, storks, eagles, sleets. As far as the amphibians they are common frogs, salamanders, toads and snakes, lizards and small lizards of different type. Finally we have to say La Aldehuela has a great variety of insects and invertebrates exists.
The flora of La Aldehuela is rich and is varied or in pedanías located in slopes of the valley or the level one. The most common trees are walnuts, willows, oaks, holly, oaks or brown. The more common shrubs and grass are magaleños brooms, romero, hawthorns, agatunas, guardalobo, oregano and ortigas meñas. As common cultures honor fruit trees, cereals and vegetables.
Transports and communications
La Aldehuela has a bus stop of two daily lines of bus to Madrid, in the route that the capital with Béjar or Plasencia, both managed by
CEVESA . Monday to Saturdays leave 3 buses from La Aldehuela and return 4 from Madrid. The municipality also has a bus service "at demand" managed by the same company that unites all his pedanías with Boat of Ávila.The Small village has regular cover of movable telephony in practically all its municipal term. Between 2007 and 2008 it is anticipated that pedanía of the Rehoyo receives service of connection to Internet of broadband via satellite, thanks to a project of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Promotion.
Cultural heritage
* Church: it has a single ship with a head of rectangular form narrower than the plant of the ship and cover with cupolas in the interior. There is an interesting púlpito with wrought steps. The altarpiece is of half-full of century XVIII, made by a retablista of the region. One is made up of a bank with reliefs in the lateral streets, body of three separated streets by columns, and attic, where it is the image of Asunción.
* Nuestra Señora del Soto Hermitage: virgin who has great devotion from the Average Age. She was remodelated at the end of XVII century or principles of XVIII century. It has a single body and flat testero. It has a dressing room behind his altarpiece, to which it is acceded by one of the doors of the altarpiece. Still it has samples of miracles of the Virgin and votive offerings. Its greater altarpiece was made in 1762 by Miguel Martinez de Quintana, one of the best painters of altarpieces ofSalamanca at that time. One is made up of an only body and a great attic communicated with the dressing room of the Virgin through a bay that has an image of Nuestra Señora del Soto carved at the end of the Romanesque one. Also another wood stature of the Virgin exists of which it is of the same time. This stature is the one that removes in the procession. The hermitage is located approximately to average legua (about 5 kilometers) of the town in the direction ofPiedrahíta , to the right of the N-110. According to the tradition taking to the virgin in a car of oxen towards Piedrahíta in one of the inclines the oxen burst and in that right place a small hermitage to border became of the highway that denominated the Santito.Celebrations
* Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (8th September): commemorates the pattern of the town. The faithfuls arrive until the hermitage at horse, dressed generally in the typical suit. In the table banzos are auctioned.
* Celebration of the Summer (June).
* Celebration of the Children (Sunday of August).
* "Romería" (Religious celebration) to clean the water sources (the first Thursday of August), historically comes from the fact the corregidor of theDuke of Alba with the intention of which the town did not lose the right to the water ordered by the Duke.External links
* [http://www.diputacionavila.es/municipios/index.php?cm=10 Page of the Council at the Diputación Provincial de Ávila web]
* [http://www.inm.es/cgi-bin/locali.cgi?ig=05027 Meteorological information of La Aldehuela from the Spanish Institute of Meteorologics]
* [http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&hl=es&q=05593+La+Aldehuela&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=40.411143,-5.408792&spn=0.028494,0.085831&t=h&om=1 Aerial sight of the area]
* [http://aldehuela.creatuforo.com Forum of La Aldehuela]
* [http://mariete.webcindario.com/codigo.php Information on the bus routes of La Aldehuela]
* [http://adigital.pntic.mec.es/~laaldehu/ CRA El Calvitero extension at La Aldehuela]
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