Sans bouche

Sans bouche

Sans Bouche (French: "Without a Mouth") is a theatrical movement in which actors are made to perform to pre-recorded dialogue. In most cases, the point is not to lip-synch to the exact words, but to convey the emotion behind the dialogue in stylized expressions similar to silent film acting or pantomime. Recordings are often similar to radio plays, and include sound effects and sometimes internal thoughts.


Sans Bouche originated in East London nightclubs, where drag performance, burlesque, and lip-synch are commonly seen late at night. Performers who meant to put together shows on a weekly or monthly basis found that miming to pre-recorded voices enabled them to create longer, more complex entertainments on a rushed schedule, and cut down on needed rehearsing and memorization time. To the surprise of the performers, the format became popular in its own right. It was not until performers started experimenting with the format borne out of necessity that it was named and considered as an alternative to live performance or lip-synching.

Variations on Sans Bouche

*Silent Movie - Actors emote the feelings of the characters in an often stylized or melodramatic way, while their own or other actors' overhead voices recite dialogue and/or inner monologue. They do not move their mouths as though they are speaking at all.
*Dubbed - Actors move their lips to the pre-recorded voices incorrectly, as though they have been recorded over in another language.
*Puppet Show - Actors portray the sentiments of the characters in a very stylized manner, and move their lips and bodies mechanically, as though they are puppets on strings being made to act out the recorded dialogue.
*Rascal - Unlike the other variations, "Rascalling" is primarily used for comic purposes. Actors purposefully do not know what the dialogue or story they will be acting out will be until the performance itself, and must improvise and interpret sentiments as they are given in the recording.

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