Giovanni Battista da Sangallo
- Giovanni Battista da Sangallo
Giovanni Battista da Sangallo (1496 - 1548) was an Italian architect. He the brother of the more famous Antonio da Sangallo the Younger.
His is intimately connected with that of Antonio: the two worked on numerous projects together, Giovanni Battista responsible for measuring and surveying. All but a single project of Giovanni Battista's own architecture have been demolished or rebuilt. A codex of highly detailed, carefully measured drawings of sixteen ancient buildings in Rome and the temples of Hercules and Castor and Pollux at nearby Cori made by Giovanni Battista, the "Codex Stosch", named for an eighteenth-centurty owner, baron Philipp von Stosch, surfaced [Unnoticed in the library at Pallinside House, Northumberland, it brought £274,417. [ Item by BBC, 12 July, 2005] ] and was bought for the Royal Institute of British Architects' Library, London. It consistently presents designs of buildings in a manner that would become standard: plan, elevation and section, all drawn to the same scale so that each mode of prersentation serves to illuminate the others, a technique first worked out in the immediate circle of Raphael in the first decades of the sixteenth century.
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Giovanni Battista da Sangallo — (1496 1548) fue un arquitecto del Renacimiento italiano, hermano de Antonio da Sangallo el Joven, con quien trabajó en numerosos proyectos. De los diseños en solitario de Giovanni Battista da Sangallo apenas quedan restos, pues casi todos sus… … Wikipedia Español
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San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini — Basisdaten Patrozinium: Hl. Johannes Weihetag: Kardinalpriester: Carlo Kardinal Caffarra Anschrift: Piazza dell’Oro 00186 Roma … Deutsch Wikipedia
Antonio da Sangallo el Joven — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Retrado de Sangallo el Joven en un grabado de la edición de 1568 de Le Vite de Giorgio Vasari. Antonio Cordiani, llamado Antonio da Sangallo el Joven (Florencia, 12 de abril de … Wikipedia Español
Antonio da Sangallo the Younger — Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, born Antonio Cordiani (April 12, 1484 August 3, 1546) was an Italian architect active during the Italian Renaissance.BiographySangallo was born in Florence. His grandfather Francesco Giamberti was a woodworker,… … Wikipedia
Da Sangallo — ist der Name einer italienischen Künstlerfamilie, die zahlreiche Baumeister, Architekten und Bildhauer hervorbrachte: Giuliano da Sangallo (um 1445–1516), Baumeister in Florenz und Rom Antonio da Sangallo der Ältere (1455–1534), Architekt, Bruder … Deutsch Wikipedia
Da Sangallo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los Da Sangallo son unos artistas del Renacimiento italiano pertenecientes todos a una misma familia florentina. Los más importantes fueron: Giuliano da Sangallo (c.1445 1516), arquitecto y escultor. Antonio da… … Wikipedia Español
San Giovanni dei Fiorentini — San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini (St John of the Florentines) is a church in Rome on Via Giulia in rione Ponte.HistoryWhen the Florentines decided to build a church in Rome in the 15th century, Jacopo Sansovino won the competition to design… … Wikipedia