

In 1976 four German musicgroups (Embryo, Missus Beastly, Sparifankal and Ton Steine Scherben)decided to found their own music label: April Records.They were supported by the already existing independent label Trikont.

In the following months some other groups joined April, so April decided to split into April 1 and April 2.

In the end of 1977 April was forced by CBS, owner of the label april-music, to rename toSchneeball - Vertrieb der Musiker (snowball - distribution of the musicians).

First issues of April/Schneeball:

* (0000) : Sparifankal - Bayernrock
* (0001) : Missus Beastly - Dr. Aftershave And The Mixed Pickles
* (0002) : Ton Steine Scherben - Wenn die Nacht am tiefsten ...
* (0003) : Embryo - Live
* (0004) : Julius Schittenhelm - Aristoteles
* (0005) : Embryo - Bad Heads And Bad Cats
* (0006) : Brühwarm Theater / Ton Steine Scherben - Mannstoll
* (0007) : Ton Steine Scherben - Keine Macht für Niemand
* (0008) : Ton Steine Scherben - Warum geht es mir so dreckig?
* (0009) : The Real Ax Band - nicht stehen bleiben, move your ass in time
* (0010) : Embryo - Apo Calypso
* (0011) : Missus Beastly - Space Guerrillia
* (0012) : Munju - High-Speed Kindergarten
* (0013) : APRIL ist SCHNEEBALL // sampler
* (2014) : Moira - Crazy Count Down
* (2015) : Checkpoint Charlie - Frühling, der Krüppel
* (nnnn) = historical distribution number
* additional : three live samplers : Vlotho - umsonst und draussen 1975 / 1976 / 1977

See also

* List of record labels

External links

* [http://www.schneeball-records.de/ Official site]

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