

The HP-27 was a hand-held scientific and financial, but not programmable, calculator made by Hewlett-Packard between 1976 and 1978.

Unlike all previous HP's pocket calculators, the HP-27 could do mathematic, statistic and business operations. It used Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) for calculations, working on a four-level stack (x,y,z,t). Nearly all keys had two alternate functions, accessed by a yellow and black prefix key. So despite the 30 keys only keyboard it could access about 68 functions. The HP-27 also had a 10-digit red LED display and 10 registers to store numbers.

External links

* [http://www.hpmuseum.org/hp27.htm The Museum of HP Calculators' article on the HP-27]
* [http://mycalcdb.free.fr/main.php?l=0&id=782 HP-27] pictures on [http://mycalcdb.free.fr MyCalcDB] (database about 70's and 80's pocket calculators)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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