GRS-TV is an educational public access channel, owned and operated by the Garland Independent School District in Garland, Texas. It can be seen in Garland, Rowlett and Sachse on Time Warner Cable channels 98 and 99, and on Verizon FiOS channels 42 and 43 (channel 42 not available in Sachse).

GRS-TV produces original shows highlighting current events, students, and staff within the Garland ISD, such as "School Scene" and "Spotlight on the Arts". GRS-TV also broadcasts over 20 district football games per year (including playoffs), as well as numerous other district athletic events such as basketball, volleyball, and track.

GRS-TV's operation center is located at Lakeview Centennial High School, where it has a Television Production Magnet program for students interested in a career in television and film production.


*Delbert Richardson -- Coordinator of Broadcasting
*Homer Clayton -- Director/Producer
*Larry Grimes -- Director/Producer
*Chris Mathis -- Broadcast Engineer/Director/Producer
*Francisco Tristan -- TV Instructor/Director/Producer
*Greg Paschal -- TV Instructor/Director/Producer
*Steve Reeves, Bobby Boyd, Dr. Gary Reeves -- Football broadcast talent

External links

* [ GRS-TV website]

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