Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary

Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary

name = Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary

motto = "Pietas Scientia Sanctitas" ("Piety, Science, Holiness")
established = 1950
type = Diocesan, Roman Catholic Seminary
rector = Fr. Martin Lupiba
city = Tagbilaran City
state = Bohol
country = flagicon|PhilippinesPhilippines
undergrad = Approx.
postgrad = Approx.
staff =
campus = 1
free_label = Alma Mater Song
free = "I.H.M.S., We love you"
Song =
colors =
affiliation = CEAP, BACS
nickname = IHMS, ayeychemes
website =
The Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary or IHMS, located at Pacifico Cabalit St., Taloto, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines, is a diocesan college seminary established in 1950 by the late Julio Cardinal Rosales, then Bishop of Tagbilaran, in implementation of Canon 1354, no. 2 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law that required the Bishop to establish such institution. [ [ 1917 Code of Canon Law] [] Retrieved 22 December, 2006. ] It was first administered by the Divine Word Missionaries or SVDs for a contract of 10 years. To date, IHMS has educated hundreds of diocesan and religious priests (see Paring Bol-anon) as well as lay alumni now serving in different capacities all over the Philippines and abroad. Currently, there are more than a hundred seminarians studying at IHMS. The seminary is as much a unifying factor for the Paring Bol-anon and the different lay alumni groups since most of the members were once seminarians or professors there. [ Paring Bol-anon, USA 1996 Reunion Program Intro ]

Historical background

Early history [Excerpt from a school thesis]

The idea of building a seminary came with Monsignor Julio Rosales upon assuming his post as Bishop of Tagbilaran in 1948. The building of a place for boys who would like to pursue the priestly vocation was first and foremost in his mind. This was due to the fact that the Diocese of Tagbilaran lacked priests for the ministry, so Julio Cardinal Rosales thought of building a local seminary to attract more boys to serve God in the priesthood. A seminary would be invaluable for the Diocese of Tagbilaran considering the help it could give to the diocese. With these in mind, Bishop Julio Rosales proceeded with his plans and initiated the project. The plan was disseminated to the Bohol Clergy and the faithful. With enthusiasm, they accepted the proposal and the project started. At first, the project was a difficult task. It was described as "like levelling a mountain with a single shovel." Rev. Fr. Victor Drewes described it as "the odds were more numerous than the evens."

The Most Reverend Julio Rosales blessed and laid down the corner stone of the IHMS coinciding with the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22, 1948, amidst impressive ceremonies. The first sponsors of the seminary were present to grace the affair. After the laying of the corner stone, the next move was the seminary fund drive.

Lack of financial support came as the major problem to Bishop Rosales' project. The Diocese of Tagbilaran did not have the needed amount to build the seminary edifice. Cardinal Rosales recoursed to a fund drive which involved the whole Province of Bohol. This intensive campaign for funds at first stage gained momentum because of the help of the civil authorities of the province and the cooperation of the people. Meanwhile, as the fund drive went on, the construction of the first building began. The meager amounts collected were used to finance the work. At least the pillars of the building stood for the first time on July 16, 1949.

Bishop Rosales' popularity rose to immeasurable heights during the campaign. People from all walks of life helped in the cause, and the success of the fund drive was imminent until then Governor of Bohol, Hon. Jacinto Borja, made a daring move that crippled the entire fund drive. Governor Borja issued a circular barring all government employees to help directly or indirectly in the fund drive. Imprisonment was meted to those who will not comply. This resulted to the dwindling and slowing down of funds. Of the projected PhP 150,000 quota, the campaign was only able to procure PhP 70,000 — so far behind to complete the building. The Bishop and his Board of Consultors looked for every means not to stop the work. They came to the agreement to change the original structure of the planned building from "E" shape to an "I." Moreover, to meet the demands of the construction, the diocese had to loan for PhP 40,000 from the Philippine Bank and Trust Company, a bank in Manila. With these two separate moves of the Church authorities, the seminary building finally stood in the outskirts of the City of Tagbilaran. Even without furniture, and it was already used by the seminarians and priests as soon as the roof was finished.

Local administration

In 1960, the contract with the SVD having expired, the diocesan clergy took over its administration. Fr. Pelagio Dompor was named its first Rector. The following year, the College Department was opened. So, additional buildings to house the increasing enrollment were constructed.

Phasing out of minor seminary [ "ISDA", January 1994 ]

In 1989, the Minor Seminary was phased out, with only the College Department remaining. The closing out of the Minor Seminary (High School) was done on a four year staggered manner, when the Rector was Msgr. Cirilo Darunday and Bishop Felix Zafra was the Diocesan Bishop. The Nuncio who came to Tagbilaran for his first visit asked why the Minor Seminary was closed, eliciting Bishop Zafra to have the idea of opening the Minor Seminary again.

Among the basis to the reopening is Canon 243, no. 1 of the New Code of 1983 which says: "Whenever Minor Seminaries or other institutions exist, they are to be maintained and supported; such institutions are those in which, for the sake of fostering vocations, special religious formation along with instruction in the humanities and sciences is provided; whenever the Diocesan Bishop judges it expedient he should provide for the erection of a Minor Seminary or a similar institution."

Those in favor of re-opening cited that the IHM Minor Seminary that was erected in 1950 should have been "maintained and supported". Since it has been closed, "if expedient, the bishop should provide for the erection of a (new) minor seminary." Commentators, however, of this Canon, like Coriden, et al., also state that the Bishops are urged, but not required, to retain or establish such institutions (p. 179).

The purpose of these Minor Seminaries, following the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, is to assist a young persons in initial spiritual formation, while he engages in the same course of studies as other young boys in the country. The Bishops might even allow boys to enroll in it, even if they do not intend to become priests (cfr. Coriden et al., p. 179)

It is statistically true that from the Minor Seminary, only few or a very small percentage of perhaps 10% or even less, reach the priesthood. But, it cannot be denied that the side-pastoral-benefit from its formation is beyond our estimation. The frequent personalized contact with the parents and families of the young seminarians is one aspect that augment the venues of Church evangelization. Furthermore, the spiritual, moral, and intellectual formation of the young boys are a vast investment on potential Catholic Church leaders in the Community. In fact, the IHM Seminary is proud of some alumni now holding key positions in Government. Others, in successful private ventures. The TIPASI, association of ex-seminarians, would have not come to being, were it not for their sense of appreciation of the training they received from the IHM Minor Seminary.

Those against the reopening cited facts and reasons which included that the Minor Seminary was established to prepare earlier vocation to the priesthood and supply vocations to the College Seminary; the Minor Seminary was established when the trend of formation was to start the formation of seminarians at earlier age; the Minor Seminary was subsidized by the Diocese; minor seminarians belonged to the rich and above-average families. Reason: They had a good elementary education and took the first fifty slots; the Minor Seminary was in the same campus of the College Seminary and Pre-College Formation.

The evaluation yielded that the Diocese was spending a lot for the sons of the rich and above-average families; there were only between 2-5 seminarians who proceeded to the College Seminary after graduation; the cost of education has come so high that subsidizing the High School of the Seminary has been almost beyond the means of the Diocese; the upbringing of the young today needs an extra guidance and care by the parents and demands more time from them and the seminary priests could not fill in the void of a real mother and father; the joining of College and Minor Seminaries in one campus was detrimental for both formations. One has to be phased out; the formators have known from the facts given through the sharing of the seminarians who came from High School Seminary that they are left behind in emotional maturity with those seminarians who entered as Pre-College. It should be realized that the best venue for emotional maturity is the normal exposure to people outside the High School Seminary, vis-a-vis, before the entrance to College Seminary.

Basing on experience and the above-mentioned evaluation, the Seminary Formators decided to phase out the Minor Seminary.

Recent history

On August 22, 2000, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary celebrated its Golden Jubilee with the theme: "Mary and the Priesthood and Evangelization."


* August 22, 1948 - laying down of cornerstone (Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)
* July 16, 1949 - pillars of the building built.
* 1950 - The Immaculate Heart of Mary Minor Seminary was officially founded.
* 1960 - The Diocesan Clergy officially took over administration from the SVD.
* 1961 - The College Department was opened.
* 1989 - The Minor Seminary gradually phased out.
* 1990 - The 40th year anniversary celebration.


* Rector - Fr. Martin Lupiba
* Procurator - Fr. Crisolito Geangan
* Prefect of Discipline - Fr. Claverlito Migriño
* Spiritual Director - Fr. Absalon Florenosos
* Spiritual Director Pre-college - Rev. Msgr. Jesus B. Ligason
* Academic Dean College - Fr. Jose Conrado Estafia
* Prefect of Discipline Pre-College - Fr. Crisolito Geangan
* Registrar - Mr. Godofredo Hinacay
* Cashier - Mrs. Juliet Legaspi
* Music Director - Fr. Irvin Garsuta

Academic programs

The Immaculate Heart of Mary academics offer a full four-year Bachelors Degree in Arts major in Classical Philosophy, minor in English.


"Escudo" or "escutcheon"

The shield, called "escudo" or "escutcheon" of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, its history and meaning was "hatched" by Bernard Fuertes. It was drawn and finalized by popular Tagbilaran artists, Ric Ramasola and Tony Arat in 1961. [Bernard Fuertes. The "Escudo" or "Escutcheon" of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary ]

The "escudo" or "escutcheon" has five (5) major elements. The "base" represents God's omnipotent power and grace protecting or shielding Mary - represented by the monogram "M" - from original sin, as it was said by David: "God, his was is immaculate...He is the shield of all that trust in Him." (2Kings 22:31) The "Flaming Heart" represents Mary's loving and maternal concern for the seminarians and professors of the seminary. It is surrounded by "Twelve Stars" - adapted from her appearance to St. Bernadette of Lourdes in France telling her that "I am the Immaculate Conception," hence the title, Immaculate Heart of Mary, is adopted. Over the "escudo" is an open book representing the continuous search for knowledge by the seminarians through diligent studies. It is highlighted by the "Burning Torch" representing the "lumen Christi," or the light of Christ, which is always given to those who earnestly seek for knowledge and truth.

The search for knowledge goes along with the cultivation of the following good habits (other authors call them virtues) that an IHM seminarian should endeavor to ultimately internalize such as "Pietas" or Piety means the habit or virtue of rendering respect and obedience not only to God's commandment and those of the Church but also to the laws of the State. Further, it means giving due respect and honor to both religious and civil superiors. Piety must be founded on the virtue of humility, without which the former would be nigh, impossible to achieve.

"Scientia" or Science is the possession of this, especially divine science, is the result of a continuous search for knowledge under the aid of divine guidance; "Sanctitas" or Holiness is a virtue that is a must for all, most especially for seminarians and God's ministers. It is a habit theologians say, of not being involved too much in worldly affairs, although in reality living in the world. It corresponds to the pursuit of knowledge. The more unworldly have attained a higher degree of science and sanctity. That is why St. Thomas Aquinas is called the "Angelic Doctor" because he attained the highest degree of these virtues. He is thereby honored by the Church and made the Patron of Catholic schools.

The year 1950 represents the seminary's year of foundation by the late Julio Cardinal Rosales, then Bishop of the Diocese of Tagbilaran. The "circlets" at the base of the monogram of Mary and at the bottom of the "escudo" is an abstract or idealistic representation of the Society of the Divine Word "(Societas Verbum Divini)" or SVD whose fathers managed the seminary for the first 10 years of its existence under the first set of professors with Rev. Alphonse M. Mildner, SVD as Rector, together with Fr. Simeon O. Valerio (ret. Bishop of Calapan, Or. Mindoro), Fr. Victor Drewes and Fr. Victor Tunkel.

t. Joseph Vocation Society (SJVS)

The St. Joseph Vocation Society or SJVS is a scholarship foundation of the Diocese of Tagbilaran and IHMS. It was established in 1960 by then Fr. Felix S. Zafra (now deceased) with the purpose of supporting poor but deserving seminarians. Through the years, SJVS has sent many seminarians to the seminary who were ordained priests. Most of the Paring Bol-anon have received SJVS support. Funds come mainly from ordinary people through yearly house-to-house campaign by the seminarians. In 1989, SJVS launched a one-million-peso fund campaign. The Paring Bol-anon responded to the appeal. About two-thirds of the funds have been collected. In the United States, the proceeds of PB-USA Reunion dinners and concerts all go to the trust fund. Every year, the whole Paring Bol-anon offer masses for the intentions of SJVS benefactors and donors.

eminary days

The seminary days is a yearly 3-day celebration to commemorate the Seminary's foundation day, in conjunction with the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, its namesake, on August 22. Traditionally, first year college seminarians are invested to wear the sotana (cassock) for the first time at a Mass concelebrated by the Bishop and priests attended by family members and friends of the seminary. Sports, parlor games and food galore usually highlight the rest of the day, while cultural presentations, usually in songs, dances and theatrical plays, grace the evening time for the students and guests alike. The three-day celebration usually culminates with a day set aside for alumni-priests with sports competition, fellowship and other fun activities.

Neophytes' night

This is an evening of socials and program where all newcomers in the seminary, or the so-called neophytes, individually make a presentation to showcase their talents. For the most part this one-night event is a cultural exposition that will make lasting impression among priests and seminarians that will be retold over and over through the course of a seminarian's length of stay in the seminary.

Monthly going home

Living an almost sequestered life, the seminarians are allowed to visit their family once a month on a weekend. This a much anticipated time of the month for them wherein they can be with their families and friends back home. During this period, they are expected to report to their parish priest and help out in whatever way they can in their home parish.

Jeduthun ensemble

The Jeduthun Ensemble is the "Schola Cantorum" or the official choir of IHMS. Conducted by a priest Music Director, the Jeduthun serves as the backbone of all choral singing within the bounds of the seminary and its traditional yearly concert performed in the capital city for the local community. From in-house performances to town fiesta gigs, the Jeduthun Ensemble's reputation as a solid, high quality, well-arranged and conducted choral group has easily landed them, in the past, invitations to perform in other venues outside of Bohol, like Manila, Iloilo, Dumaguete and Mindanao. One could almost say that IHMS' musical practices and tradition has been the seedbed of many a present musical successes of many of its alumni in the field of music, like the pioneering acts of the ABCD Quartet of the '60s, the celebrated Singing Priests of San Francisco in mid '80s, the well-choreographed Singing Priests of Louisiana in late '80s and, not so recently, the very popular group, the high-powered Singing Priests of Tagbilaran ( [ SPOT] ) in the late 90s. IHMS has also produced quite a number of prolific songwriters (TQ Solis Jr., Jimmy Borja) many of whom have won honors in different songwriters' competitions outside the four walls of the seminary, while some others have even chosen the field of music as their field of profession and livelihood.

To date, Jeduthun Ensemble alumni have been in varying degrees a continuing presence in the field of music locally and internationally. While some have made it in the music business (see [ Jimmy Borja] , Arnold Zamora), many of its priest-products (see Paring Bol-anon) have also demonstrated as much propensity in their musical pursuit as artists and producers in their respective rights. Like the pioneering Singing Priests of San Francisco, who released the first ever studio-recorded Paring Bol-anon albums, " [ Inspirational Songs] (1985)" and "Christmas in San Francisco (1986)," it did not take long for others PBs to follow suit. In 1993, Fr. Roland Pacudan released 2 musical albums of original works in Hawaii with " [ Citizens of the World] " and " [ Roads of Life] (1994)." While in New Orleans, Fr. J. Roel Lungay produced four compilations of original songs written by him, and with other PBs like Frs. TQ Solis, Jr. Elpidio Biliran, Jr. and Arnold Zamora, with " [ Mass of St. Rita] (1993)", " [ Dear Jesus] (1994)," " [ Music Revisited, Vol. 1] (1995)" and " [ One Heart, One Mind] (1996)." In 1998, spearheaded by nationally known composer and arranger, Fr. Arnold Zamora, the Singing Priests of Tagbilaran released their self-titled CD, " [ SPOT] ," in San Francisco, while another longtime PB, in that same year, Msgr. Floro Arcamo, also of San Francisco, with the help of long-time confrere, Fr. Rolando Caverte, and Suzanne St. John, released, too, his debut solo album of cover songs titled, " [ Songs of Faith And Inspiration] (1998)." These and all others truly highlight musical achievements of Paring Bol-anons as well as other IHMS students which had its lowly beginning as alumni of the old Jeduthun Ensemble.

Jeduthun concerts and plays

* "Sons of Jeduthun", IHMS Silver Jubilee Celebration 1975, Bohol Cultural Center
* "Kura sa Cogon", IHMS Auditorium and selected Bohol municipalities, 1977
* "Jeduthun Ensemble", Bohol and Mindanao Tour, 1978
* "Jeduthun in Concert", Divine Word College of Tagbilaran and selected Bohol municipalities, 1979
* "Confido in Domino", Divine Word College of Tagbilaran Gymnasium, January 21–23, 1983
* "Ite Missa Est"
* "The New Generation of Jeduthun", February, 1987, in commemoration of the first anniversary of the People Power EDSA Revolution
* "Jeduthun Ensemble in Concert", a town-to-town Concert Tour in Bohol province and including one in Davao City, 1988
* "IHMS Ruby Jubilee Concert", IHMS Auditorium, 1990
* "Everlasting Light", Divine Word College of Tagbilaran Gymnasium, 1996
* "Hiusatlo", Divine Word College of Tagbilaran Gymnasium, 1997
* "Jubilaeum 2000" - IHMS Golden Jubilee Concert, Divine Word College of Tagbilaran Gymnasium, 2000

Alma mater song

I.H.M.S., We Love You

Words by Fr. Jonathan D. Pacudan, Music by Fr. Roland D. Pacudan. This song was adjudged winner in the Alma Mater Song Contest during the IHMS Golden Jubilee Celebration in 2000.

In God we serve our souls shall rest
Heart of Mary her sons she inspires
Mould our hearts and minds in your bosom blest
Seedbed of our priestly desires

In your arms we grew as men of God
Hail to you, Alma Mater, we praise
May the years of the journey with you we trod
Serve to lead the church with God's grace.

I.H.M.S., we love you,
I.H.M.S., we praise.
We your sons shall proclaim,
Seeking nothing to claim
Love that comes from the Master's Name

Love has made us your wounded healers
Over weakness you've taught us to win.
Voice of truth shall resound, grace and mercy abound
Ever faithful to Christ till the end.

(Refrain 2 then Coda)

You shall keep us on fire
Over death you inspire
Unto to heaven we aspire.

Copyright © 2000 by Roland Pacudan, Jonathan Pacudan, IHMSeminary. All rights reserved. Used by permission

"Click [ I.H.M.S., We Love You (Piano)] to download musical notation courtesy of Fr. J. Roel Lungay, Piano arrangement by TQ Solis, Jr."

"Lagdâ sa Pamuyô"

The "Lagdâ sa Pamuyô", literally translated as "Handbook of Rules, " contains the rules of discipline that prescribe the do's and don't's in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, or what should and should not be done.

Vocation tour

Vocation tour was an annual 3-day tour around the Province of Bohol during the late 70's. All the seminarians, both high school and college, together with the faculty-priests, are divided into 3 or 4 groups with each group assigned specific towns/municipalities to visit. The entire province is covered during the tour. The parish priest would host one group and would schedule them to visit the different parochial and public schools in the town. There the seminarians would give talk about life in the seminary and render a presentation to the students, inviting them to enter the seminary.

ummer apostolate

The Summer Apostolate is part of the formation of seminarians that will allow them to engage in real-life apostolate work. It is usually held from April to May each year. It is during this period that the college seminarians are assigned to work in the different towns/municipalities of Bohol under the guidance of the Parish Priest.


Scrutinium is the semi-annual scrutiny or evaluation conducted by the seminary faculty regarding the worthiness of each seminarian to proceed with the formation. This is the critical moment in the formation of a seminarian wherein his conduct during the past semester is reviewed and assessed. Each seminarian receives the result of the Scrutinium which may become a turning point in his vocation.


Investiture is the ceremony during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass wherein the Sotanandi or candidate is vested with the cassock or "sotana". The parents are usually present during the ceremony and would be asked to assist the candidate in donning the new habit that he will start using during religious activities.


Tribunal is the final academic hurdle of the seminarian before graduating from college. The tribunal is a panel of 3 faculty-priests who will grill the individual seminarian on any topic on Philosophy. This activity gauges the seminarian facility in handling different philosophical concepts that he gained from his 4 years of studies, applying them in concrete life experiences, and explaining them in simple terms. Although not required by the Department of Education, the Tribunal is required by the IHMS before granting the degree.

antos Bugoy

"Santos Bugoy", which literally means "a saintly smart guy", is a character that has been used to symbolize the supposedly worldly teenagers who enter the seminary and learn the finer points of being followers of Christ. It is represented by a stick image that bears the halo of a saint. A handful used the image as a tattoo.

Paring Bol-anon

"See: List of IHMS alumni Paring Bol-anon"

The Paring Bol-anon or the Bohol Clergy is the fraternity of Roman Catholic priests who come from Bohol, Philippines, the majority of whom are currently serving in the parishes of the two dioceses in Bohol, namely, the Diocese of Tagbilaran and the Diocese of Talibon, while a good number of them are also serving outside the province, most notably Manila, Mindanao and the United States, either as bishops, chaplains, pastors or guest priests.

Bohol Major Seminarians

It all started in the mid and late seventies when IHMS alumni who moved on to the different major theological schools for their final priestly formation began organizing themselves into a viable entity or an organization wherein they can represent and speak for themselves on issues affecting the seminarians and students aspiring to become priests one day. Hence, the birth of the official organization of seminarians called the Bohol Major Seminarians. During these times many parish priests in the local parishes were not totally supportive of the seminary's and the diocese's summer program of sending seminarians to the different parishes for pastoral exposure in order to develop their skills in pastoral work. There were some seminarians who complained about being arbitrarily sent home by some parish priests and ended up being deprived of that rare and unique opportunity to learn first-hand the ins and outs of parish work, while on the other hand, many others, who were welcomed in their parish assignments, experienced a tremendously rich opportunity of actual parish life and even told stories of their hands-on experience which not only caused many to envy but also a major concern to the major seminarians and seminary formators. And so evolved from this the organization of seminarians called the BMS or the Bohol Major Seminarians, which eventually splintered into smaller groups, depending on what area of the Philippines they pursued further studies: BMS-Tagbilaran, BMS-Cebu, BMS-Mindanao and BMS-Manila. Eventually the BMS proved to be the catalyst that sparked the transformation of the Diocese of Tagbilaran and its clergy as well as the official founding of the Paring Bol-anon as a priestly fraternity in 1979 in a synod-like assembly of clergy that issued the first ever Diocesan Thrust.
** BMS-Tagbilaran - College seminarians studying at IHMS
** BMS-Cebu - Theology students studying at Seminario Mayor de San Carlos
** BMS-Manila - Theology students studying at UST Pontifical Seminary, San Jose Major Seminary (Ateneo) and at Tagaytay seminaries (MSP, SASMA, DWS)
** BMS-Mindanao - Theology students studying at any Mindanao seminaries (REMASE, DIOPEM, St. John Vianney)

Alumni associations

Also See:"List of notable alumni of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary"

* "Paring Bol-anon" - The association of Boholano priests based in different locations.
* "BANGKÂ" - (Bol-anon Alang sa Nagkahiusang Katuyuan) the alumni association based in Manila was organized and registered with the SEC in the mid 90's with Atty Mannix Cimafranca as the President.
* "TIPASÎ" - originally "Tagbilaran Integration of ex-Priests And ex-Seminarians Inc.", the alumni association based in Tagbilaran City. It was organized in 1986 with Timmy Balane as interim president. In 2000, during the presidency of Jun Amora, the acronym was solely used and the acronym's meaning dropped since the non-Tagbilaran based alumni were uneasy with the use of the word Tagbilaran. The word, TIPASI (in the vernacular meaning, an unhusked grain of rice), was thus used in the context of its meaning in the vernacular. It turned out to be the right move as other branches of TIPASI were established.
** "TIPASÎ-Tagbilaran" - the alumni association based in Tagbilaran City with Ariel Dominquez as president in 2006.
** "TIPASÎ-Talibon" - the alumni association based in Talibon with Palug Logroño as president in 2006.
** "TIPASÎ-Cebu" - the alumni association based in Cebu City with Atty. Aquilino Felicitas as president in 2006.
** "Charlatans" - coined by former Rector, now Bishop, Zacharias C. Jimenez for the freshman class of 1976, College Department
** "Baboga" - or, Baston Bobits Gang, name adopted by the HS Batch '80 for their class;


* "Our Seminary" - School Yearbook (also known as Annual)
* "Legité" - The official college newsletter
* "Sal Terrae" - The official high school newsletter
* "Precis" - The official prayer and song book of the seminary
* "ISDÂ Pahayagan" - The official newsletter of the Paring Bol-anon all over the world. "The Paring Bol-anon is ISDA; ISDA is the Paring Bol-anon." ("Fr. Vicente Nunag, III, Ulo Sa Isda, ISDA, July 1993 Issue") [ Fr. Vicente Nunag, III [ Ulo Sa Isda] ] [ [ ISDAmerica Portal] ]
* [ "Scriptum" ] - The unofficial and unauthorized newsletter of the IHMS Batch HS '80 and College '84


* CEAP (Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines)
* BACS (Bohol Association of Catholic Schools)


ee also

* Paring Bol-anon
* Diocese of Tagbilaran
* Diocese of Talibon


External links

* [ IHMS Names Database]
* [ IHMS Alumni Corner]
* [ Paring Bol-anon Music]
* [ Paring Bol-anon WWW]
* [ Paring Bol-anon Music Station]
* [ Ecclesiastical Territories of the Philippines]

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