Yes! PreCure 5

Yes! PreCure 5

Infobox animanga/Header
name = Yes! PreCure 5

caption = "Yes! PreCure 5" title logo
ja_name = Yes! プリキュア5
ja_name_trans = Iesu! PuriKyua Faibu
genre = Magical girl
Infobox animanga/Anime
title =
director = Toshiaki Komura
studio = Toei Animation
licensor = flagicon|Japan Pony Canyon
network = flagicon|Japan Animax, TV Asahi, Asahi Broadcasting Corporation
first = February 4, 2007
last = January 27, 2008
episodes = 49
episode_list =
Infobox animanga/Anime
title = Yes PreCure 5 Go Go!
director =
studio = Toei Animation
licensor =
network = flagicon|Japan TV Asahi, Asahi Broadcasting Corporation
first = February 3, 2008
last = January, 2009
episodes = 48
episode_list =

nihongo|"Yes! PreCure 5"|Yes! プリキュア5|Iesu! PuriKyua Faibu|Lit. "Yes! Pretty Cure 5" is the fourth "Pretty Cure" anime series by Toei Animation. The series started broadcasting on February 4, 2007 and ended on January 27, 2008 in Japan. The 5 in the title refers to the fact that this Pretty Cure team has 5 members.

Its sequel "Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go!" started its run on February 3, 2008. New characters, including a new Pretty Cure warrior, are introduced.

The anime is much very lighter, and more kid-friendly in tone than some of the previous Pretty Cure anime, and it is targeted at a much younger audience in that way.

In November 2007, a Yes! Precure 5 movie was released in Japan under the title Yes! Precure 5! Kagami no Kuni no Miracle Daibouken! (Miracle's Big Adventure Through The Looking Glass)


Yes! Pretty Cure 5

Nozomi Yumehara, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco, a creature from the Palmier Kingdom. Nozomi decides to help restore his world, which has been destroyed by an organization called the Nightmare Company, by completing the Dream Collet and finding the 55 Pinkies to make any wish come true. By making her decision to help Coco, she proves she has the heart to be a Pretty Cure and is given her Pinky Catch from a pink butterfly letting her transform into Cure Dream. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are fighting the cures to steal the Dream Collet and defeat Pretty Cure. To help, she must choose a team of four other students to be Pretty Cure so that she may help protect the Dream Collet and save Nuts from his entrapment within. Together with Cure Rouge, Cure Lemonade, Cure Mint and Cure Aqua, they form the Pretty Cure Team.

Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo!

The Cure Rose Garden has always been concealed from human eye. Flora, the area's guardian, watches over it and makes sure the path to the secret area doesn't appear. However Eternal, an art organization known for amassing treasure and artwork from many worlds, is trying to get to the garden. To do this, they first invade the Palmier Kingdom and four other kingdoms. Flora senses her approaching danger and sends a letter to Nozomi and the Pretty Cure 5. Their new mission is to find the four rulers that have fled from their kingdoms since they hold the Rose Garden Keys.

To perform this mission, Nozomi and the others regain their ability to transform into PreCure Five and a new heroine; Milky Rose, appears.


Pretty Cure

;nihongo|Nozomi Yumehara|夢原 のぞみ|Yumehara Nozomi / nihongo|Cure Dream|キュアドリーム|Kyua Dorīmu, Pretty Cure of Hope:anime voice|Yūko Sanpei:A second-year student at L'École des Cinq Lumières Middle School, Nozomi appears to be a typical shōjo heroine, and does not know what to do with her life. Her father works as an author of children's stories and her mother runs a beauty shop. She has a habit of saying "It's decided!" when she decides on something not exactly with everyone's permission. Formed a crush on Coco (in his human form) at first sight, and her feelings grow as the series progresses. This also has started a love triangle between her and Milk for Coco, because both have feelings for him. Though her teammates are vastly different from her, Nozomi learns how to become their friend, and their leader.

:Cure Dream wears pink, and her costume has a design resembling that of Cure Rouge. Her given name is pronounced, though not written, the same way as the Japanese word for hope, "nozomi", and part of her surname ("yume") means 'dream' in Japanese.

:She introduces herself as nihongo|"Great Power of Hope, Cure Dream!"|大いなる希望の力、キュア・ドリーム!|Ōi naru kibō no chikara, Kyua Dorīmu!

:Attacks: ::1. nihongo|"The great potential of a young girl's dream...take this! Pretty Cure Dream Attack!"|夢見る乙女の底力、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・ドリーム・アタック!|Yumemiru otome no sokojikara, uketeminasai! Purikyua Dorīmu Atakku!::2. With the "Dream Torch" cite web | url = | title = BANDAI's Power-up Items Release | date= 2007-06-28 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] : nihongo|"The potential of a young girl's dreams...take this! Pretty Cure Crystal Shoot!"|夢見る乙女の底力、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・クリスタル・シュート!|Yumemiru otome no sokojikara, uketeminasai! Purikyua Kurisutaru Shūto!cite web | url = | title = New Attack Calls | date= 2007-07-01 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] ::3. In Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!: nihongo|"PreCure Shooting Star!"|プリキュア・シューティングスター!|Purikyua! Shūtingu Sutā!

;nihongo|Rin Natsuki|夏木 りん|Natsuki Rin / nihongo|Cure Rouge|キュアルージュ|Kyua Rūju, Pretty Cure of Passion:anime voice|Junko Takeuchi:This second-year student appears as a tomboy and plays enough sports to have every team clamouring for her to join them, but indulges in a few feminine pursuits, such as a love of boys. She has a very straightforward and down-to-earth personality that sharply contrasts with the cheery and optimistic Nozomi. Her parents run a flower shop. Rin wears red-orange, and she transforms into Cure Rouge; her counterpart is her best friend, Cure Dream. :She introduces herself as nihongo|"Red Flame of Passion, Cure Rouge!"|情熱の赤い炎、キュア・ルージュ!|Jōnetsu no akai honō, Kyua Rūju!

:Attacks:::1. nihongo|"The powerful flame of a young girl's pure heart...take this! Pretty Cure Rouge Fire!"|純情乙女の炎の力、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・ルージュ・ファイヤー!|Junjō otome no honō no chikara, uketeminasai! Purikyua Rūju Faiyā!::2. With "Rouge Tact" cite web | url = | title = BANDAI's Power-up Items Release | date= 2007-06-28 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] : nihongo|"The powerful flame of a young girl's pure heart...take this! Pretty Cure Rouge Burning!"|純情乙女の炎の力、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・ルージュ・バーニング!|Junjō otome no honō no chikara, uketeminasai! Purikyua Rūju Bāningu!cite web | url = | title = New Attack Calls | date= 2007-07-01 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] ::3. In Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!: nihongo|"PreCure Fire Strike!"|プリキュア・ファイヤーストライク!|Purikyua! Faiyā Sutoraiku!

;nihongo|Urara Kasugano|春日野 うらら|Kasugano Urara / nihongo|Cure Lemonade|キュアレモネード|"Kyua Remonēdo", Pretty Cure of Effervescence:anime voice|Mariya Ise:Urara is the youngest member of the Pretty Cure. She is a sweet blonde first-year and a transfer student. She puts on a smiling face to all, but can only be herself around Nozomi and her friends. Because she is always busy and is now acting in a TV drama, she has no friends outside of the Cures. Before she joined the team, she learned of Nozomi's and Rin's identities, and was not nearly as shocked as the others, likely because the drama that she had been cast in appears to be based on the Splash Star series. Her mom died when she was young. She is half Japanese (from her mom) and half French (from her dad). Cure Lemonade wears yellow and has no counterpart.:She introduces herself as nihongo|"Effervescent Scent of Lemon, Cure Lemonade!"|はじけるレモンの香り キュアレモネード!|Hajikeru remon no kaori, Kyua Remonēdo!

:Attacks:::1. nihongo|"The effervescent power of a young girl's sparkle...take this! Pretty Cure Lemonade Flash!"|輝く乙女のはじける力、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・レモネード・フラッシュ!|Kagayaku otome no hajikeru chikara, uketeminasai! Purikyua Remonēdo Furasshu!::2. With "Lemonade Castanet" cite web | url = | title = BANDAI's Power-up Items Release | date= 2007-06-28 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] : nihongo|"The bursting power of a sparkling girl...take this! Pretty Cure Lemonade Shining!"|輝く乙女のはじける力、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・レモネード・シャイニング!|Kagayaku otome no hajikeru chikara, uketeminasai! Purikyua Remonēdo Shainingu!cite web | url = | title = New Attack Calls | date= 2007-07-01 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] ::3. In Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!: nihongo|"PreCure Prism Chain!"|プリキュア・プリズムチェーン!|Purikyua! Purizumu Chēn!

;nihongo|Komachi Akimoto|秋元 こまち|Akimoto Komachi / nihongo|Cure Mint|キュアミント|Kyua Minto, Pretty Cure of Tranquility:anime voice|Ai Nagano:Another third-year, Komachi is kind and shy, and likes to read books and write. However, once she is angered enough, she will snap and release her temper. Along with her best friend Karen, Komachi is also a popular senior at her school. She is a volunteer at the school library, along with Karen/Cure Aqua, and often spends her time there writing stories. Her dream is to become a writer, and she exhibits particular talent in this: Nuts praised her first completed story (upon the 7th revision), and he does not give praise lightly. She has romantic feelings for Nuts, which she expresses in the form of her second novel. Her parents own a traditional Japanese sweetshop.:The green-clad Cure Mint is the counterpart of Cure Aqua. Fans noted that her appearance is similar to Lettuce Midorikawa of Tokyo Mew Mew. :She introduces herself as nihongo|"Tranquility of the Green Earth, Cure Mint!"|安らぎの緑の大地キュアミント!|Yasuragi no midori no daichi, Kyua Minto!

:Attacks: ::1. nihongo|"The earth tremors of a young girl's anger...take this! Pretty Cure Mint Protection!"|大地を揺るがす乙女の怒り、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・ミント・プロテクション!|Daichi wo yurugasu otome no ikari, uketeminasai! Purikyua Minto Purotekushon!::2. With "Mint Leaf" cite web | url = | title = BANDAI's Power-up Items Release | date= 2007-06-28 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] : nihongo|"The earth tremors of a young girl's anger...take this! Pretty Cure Mint Shield!"|大地を揺るがす乙女の怒り、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・ミント・シールド!|Daichi wo yurugasu otome no ikari, uketeminasai! Purikyua Minto Shīrudo!cite web | url = | title = New Attack Calls | date= 2007-07-01 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] ::3. In Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!: nihongo|PreCure Emerald Saucer!|プリキュア・エメラルドソーサー!|Purikyua! Emerarudo Sōsā! ;nihongo|Karen Minazuki|水無月 かれん|Minazuki Karen / nihongo|Cure Aqua|キュアアクア|Kyua Akua, Pretty Cure of Intelligence:"Voiced by: " Ai Maeda:Karen is the oldest member of the Purikya. This third-year student comes from an affluent family and is a member of the student council. Her parents are musicians and often go away on tour. She misses them, but will not ask for them to come home for fear of disturbing their work, so in spite of her wealth and popularity she is often lonely. Komachi is her best friend and fellow student council member.:Seen around school as cool and inspiring, most of the students look up to her. She, as Nozomi learns, is the most trustworthy Cure. In the beginning, she is reluctant to join the Cure team. This reluctance and lack of team spirit prevented her from transforming in episode 5. In episode 6, as the girls are being manhandled by a pinky-turned-Kowaina, Karen stands up to her friends, vowing to protect them regardless of whether or not she can transform. The butterfly that eluded her previously reappears and successfully lands on her wrist, enabling Karen to transform to Cure Aqua. :As Cure Aqua; counterpart of Cure Mint, she wears deep blue in her outfit, resembling Cure Mint's outfit.

:She introduces herself as nihongo|"Blue Spring of Intelligence, Cure Aqua!"|知性の青き泉 キュアアクア!|Chisei no aoki izumi, Kyua Akua!

:Like Nozomi and Komachi with Coco and Nuts respectively, she has a special bond with Milk.

:Attacks:::1. nihongo|"The rock-crushing power of a young girl's outpourings...take this! Pretty Cure Aqua Stream!"|岩をも砕く乙女の激流、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・アクア・ストリーム!|Iwa wo mo kudaku otome no gekiryū, uketeminasai! Purikyua Akua Sutorīmu!::2. With "Aqua Ribbon" cite web | url = | title = BANDAI's Power-up Items Release | date= 2007-06-28 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] : nihongo|"The rock-crushing power of a young girl's outpourings...take this! Pretty Cure Aqua Tornado!"|岩をも砕く乙女の激流、受けてみなさい!プリキュア・アクア・トルネード!|Iwa wo mo kudaku otome no gekiryū, uketeminasai! Purikyua Akua Torunēdo!cite web | url = | title = New Attack Calls | date= 2007-07-01 | accessdate = 2007-08-03| publisher = LiveJournal] ::3. In Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!: nihongo|"PreCure Sapphire Arrow!"|プリキュア・サファイヤアロー!|Purikyua! Saffaia Arō!

;nihongo|Kurumi Mimino|美々野 くるみ|Mimino Kurumi / nihongo|Milky Rose|ミルキィローズ|Mirukī Rōzu, The Blue RoseAge: 14 years like Nozomi and Rin. (2 months older than Nozomi, 6 months older than Rin.)Fact|date=March 2008 :anime voice|Eri Sendai:She is a cooperator of Pretty Cure that appears in Yes! PreCure 5! Go Go! Her civilian name is Mimino Kurumi and her name backwards has the same pronunciation with nihongo|"Miruku no Mimi"|ミルクの耳 meaning "Milk's ears." She has long, violet, curly hair and fuchsia eyes. Transformed, she wears violet with blue flower decorations. A calm, smart character, her cool persona acts as a mask to her bizarre personality.

:She introduces herself as nihongo|"The Blue Rose is The Secret Mark, Milky Rose!"|青いバラは秘密の印 ミルキィローズ!|Aoi Bara ha Himitsu no Shirushi, Mirukī Rōzu!

:She is actually Milk in human form, who got her powers from a blue colored seed left behind after the events of episode 7. Kurumi makes her official appearance as Milky Rose in episode 10 to help the PreCure. Her civilian form is introduced in episode 12, and we first see her transformation in episode 11. Milk/Kurumi can't stay in this form for too long, as it drains her energy and reverts her back to mascot form, as seen in episode 14.


::nihongo|Skyrose Translate!|スカイローズ・トランスレイト!|Sukairōzu Toransureito!


::1. nihongo|"Let burst a snowstorm of roses, envelop the evil power! Milky Rose Blizzard!"|邪悪な力をつつみこむ、バラの吹雪を咲かせましょう! ミルキィローズブリザード|"Jaaku na Chikara wo tsutsumikomu, Bara no Fubuki wo Sakasemashou! Mirukī Rōzu Burizādo!"

::2. With "Milky Mirror": nihongo|"Let burst the shining rose, envelop the evil power! Milky Rose Metal Blizzard!"|邪悪な力をつつみこむ、きらめくバラを咲かせましょう! ミルキィローズメタルブリザード|"Jaaku na Chikara wo tsutsumikomu, Kirameku Bara wo Sakasemashou! Mirukī Rōzu Metaru Burizādo!"


;nihongo|Coco|ココ|Koko / nihongo|Kōji Kokoda|小々田 コージ|Kokoda Kōji:anime voice|Takeshi Kusao:One of the mascot creatures from the Palmier Kingdom, Coco is a yellow-furred tanuki searching for the Dream Collet to restore his kingdom. He can transform into a human, and later becomes a teacher at Nozomi's school to keep watch of her. Coco has expressed that he has strong feelings for Nozomi, but is hesitant to act on them because of the knowledge that they will have to go their separate ways as soon as his kingdom is restored. Fittingly, his human name "Kokoda" sounds like the way one would say "I'm Coco" in Japanese.:Halfway through the series, it is revealed that he and Nuts are actually princes from separate parts of the Palmier Kingdom.:He is given Palmier's crown in episode 24 of Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go, allowing PreCure 5 to use Cure Fleur.

;nihongo|Nuts|ナッツ|Nattsu / nihongo|Natts|夏|Nattsu:anime voice|Miyu Irino:The other creature from the Palmier Kingdom, Nuts is a brown squirrel that can transform into a human, the clerk of a jewelry shop called Nuts House. In the beginning of the series, he is sealed within the Dream Collet and can only be freed after the 5 Cures have received their powers. Coco describes him as a good friend, comparable to the relationship between Nozomi and Rin. In Episode 7 Nuts is released from the Dream Collet and is revealed to have an aloof, somewhat cold personality. Because of the events of his past he has difficulty trusting anyone, and did not trust Coco at first. His human form is so good looking that it causes the other Pretty Cure girls to blush, as well as most other girls who see him.:Komachi exhibits romantic feelings for Nuts, and though his stoicism does not make him an easy character to read, it is made clear that he feels a special bond with Komachi.:Some episodes of the series, as well as a set of character cards, give his human name as "Natts"; however, this is generally accepted as Engrish.:He is given Palmier's crown in episode 31 of Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go, allowing Milky Rose to use the Milky Mirror.

;nihongo|Milk|ミルク|Miruku / nihongo|Kurumi Mimino|美々野 くるみ|Mimino Kurumi:anime voice|Eri Sendai:Debuts in episode 21. A white-and-pink flop-eared rabbit who, unlike Nuts and Coco, is unable to transform into a human. Milk and Nozomi are always in constant disagreements over food, especially chocolate. In Gogo she obtained the ability to turn into a human, her alias Kurumi Mimino, after picking up a glowing blue seed in episode 7. Milk may also have a crush on Coco, as she has shown affection around him, and is jealous when Nozomi shows affection to him.:Like Coco is close to Nozomi and Nuts is close to Komachi, Milk and Karen share a close friendship.

;nihongo|Syrup|シロップ|Shiroppu / nihongo|Shiroh Amai|甘井 シロー|Amai Shirō:anime voice|Romi Paku:Debuts in episode 1 of the sequel. A tan feathered, bird-like mascot that can turn to human form and take on an aerial transport form when necessary. He is slightly arrogant and a delivery-boy. Syrup once worked for Eternal, the villains of the sequel, because he was looking for something in the Cure Rose Garden and needed to get there. He quit for reasons currently unknown.:Syrup has amnesia and forgot who he was. He wanted to find the Cure Rose Garden so he can regain his memories.:Syrup may be developing a bond with Urara, as he is concerned about her when he sees her crying in episode 18 and helped to deliver her script in episode 4.

Four Rulers

:In the sequel, the Kings and Queens of four Kingdoms hold the Rose Garden Keys. For this, Eternal attacks their Kingdoms and they flee. Once a ruler is found, he or she must stay in the Rose Pact for a certain amount of time to recover. After which, they can go back and restore the Kingdom destroyed. Each have a special power that benefits themselves and the team, and the rulers can communicate with their crowns.

;nihongo|King Donuts|ドーナツ国王|Donatsu Kokuō:anime voice|Yasunori Matsumoto:The first ruler to be found. A small, blue Dragon, he is the ruler of the Donut Kingdom, which is east of Palmier. Dignified, he is smart and arrogant. He appreciates people who work hard for others. Should he be attacked, he will stun the enemy with a blue light emitting from his hands. The King leaves in episode 14, but not before giving a calling card.

;nihongo|Queen Babaroa|パパロア女王|Babaroa Joō:anime voice|Mari Adachi:Second ruler holding a Rose Garden Key. She is a pink and red colored bird, the Queen of the Babaroa Kingdom, which is south of Palmier. Sociable and energetic, but very talkative to the point of causing problems for others. Her power allows communication between PreCure 5 by making their transformation items act as a mobile phone. In episode 25, she gives her calling card and goes back to her kingdom.

;nihongo|Princess Crepe|クレープ王女|Kurēpu Ōjo:anime voice|Kumiko Nishihara:The third ruler with a Rose Garden Key. She is a lemon chiffon, orange striped tiger. Is in love with Coco and claims to be his fiancee. Her Kingdom, the Crepe Kingdom, is west of Palmier. She hopes that her marriage to Coco will unify both kingdoms. Crepe's power activates the Milky Note, a laptop. Crepe leaves in episode 34, remaining friends with Coco after he rejects her confession, and giving her calling card.



;nihongo|Anacondy|アナコンディ|Anakondi:anime voice|Kaori Yamagata:She's kind of an administrator among Eternal, always telling her members what they should do and controlling rare objects they bring her. She also always claims report papers from her members and is very strict to them. In fact she seems to be doing all that only for the boss of Eternal, the director.

;nihongo|Isohgin|イソーギン|Isōgin:anime voice|Chō:Isohgin is one of the "nightmare-duo" from Eternal that are said to be the best hunters there. He is the tall one of the two and mostly just repeats what Yadohkan says. Together, the two of them transform into a weird creature looking like a leg-less human creature on a cancer.

;nihongo|Yadokhan|ヤドカーン|Yadokān:anime voice|Kenji Nomura:Yadokhan is the partner of Isohgin and the small, fat one of the two. He mainly does the talking, although he is also very short of words. Together, the two of them transform into a weird creature looking like a leg-less human creature on a cancer.

;nihongo|Mucardia|ムカーディア|Mukādia:The currently newest member of Eternal is an extremely good-looking guy. He uses his good looks to approach Precure and find out something about them. He hasn't revealed his monster form yet and watches the fight of Precure vs Hoshiina from far away so they don't see him.

;nihongo|Shibiretta|シビレッタ|Shibiretta:This old woman wearing kind of a mushroom on her head manipulates fairy tales (European and also Japanese ones) to fight Precure. To do so, she pulls the girls into the world of the fairy tales where she can find ideal material to create a Hoshiina. She does not like Anacondy very much.

;nihongo|Scorp|スコルプ|Sukorupu:anime voice|Takehito Koyasu:Scorp is the first Eternal member to be shown in the series. He seems to know a lot about Syrup and his circumstances. When coming to fight, he transforms into a scorpion. Although they do not get along too well at first, he gradually becomes kind of friends with Bunbee.

;nihongo|Nebatakos|ネバタコス|Nebatakosu:anime voice|Bin Shimada:This guy is the third Eternal member (not counting Bunbee as one). He is transforming into an octopus, the Japanes word "tako" in his name stands for this. He does not like rules very much and thus often argues with Anacondy about his reports.

;nihongo|Hoshiina|ホシイナー|Hoshiinā:anime voice|Shinya Fukumatsu:The monster in the new season is called forth by throwing a yellow ball onto the object that then turns into a Hoshiina. The name is from "hoshii", which means "I want this".


;nihongo|Kawarino|カワリーノ|Kawarīno:anime voice|Hiro Yuki:Desparaia's secretary. He conveys her intentions and orders to other Nightmares, and report to her on the missions. Most of the other Nightmares fear him. His name may be based on japanes "kawari" which means substitute.

;nihongo|Hadenya|ハデーニャ|Hadēnya:anime voice|Kazue Komiya:One of the villains appearing in the second part of the season. She can transform into a bird-like, very colorful costume reminding of Brazil Carnival. She likes to take what she wants and often lets Bunbee serve her in some way.

;nihongo|Bloody|ブラッディ|Buraddi:anime voice|Eiji Maruyama:This is the last Nightmare member showing up in the first season. Bloody can transform into a bat-like creature, shooting sonic waves at his enemies. In the first place, however, he tries to win by persuasion and talking, only using Kowaina to help him. He always uses rooms or places to transform into Kowaina rather than objects.

;nihongo|Girinma|ギリンマ|Girinma:anime voice|Nobuyuki Hiyama:The first of the villains to appear. He can transform into a deadly praying mantis with arms that slice. He greatly fears his superiors, and is often threatened by Bunbee.

;nihongo|Bunbee|ブンビー|Bunbī:anime voice|Wataru Takagi:The boss of Girinma, Gamao and Arachnea. He transforms into a bee. For the first part of the series he was believed to be leading the Nightmares, but it is soon revealed that he takes orders from Kawarino. He joined Eternal in the sequel after surviving a fatal fall near the end of the prequel.

;nihongo|Gamao|ガマオ|Gamao:anime voice|Akio Suyama:A large man that resembles a hobo. He is seen to be extremely lazy and often refuses to do any work, even if his survival and duty as a Nightmare depend on it. He transforms into a toad. His name is from the japanese "gama", meaning toad.

;nihongo|Arachnea|アラクネア|Arakunea:anime voice|Yoko Soumi:The lone woman of the team, she resembles Poisony from the first season. She transforms into a spider. Many episodes featuring her have her pulling the girls into the sewers to fight, for reasons unknown. Her name is based on greek "arachne" (spider).

;nihongo|Kowaina|コワイナー|Kowainā :anime voice|Chihiro Sakurai:A Kowaina is a catastrophic entity that can be inserted into any inanimate object, causing it to "come alive" and cause destruction. The villains often use it as both an offense and a defense to add more helpers onto their side during the battle. The name is a pun off of the Japanese adjective, "kowai na", which means "frightening."

;nihongo|Desparaia|デスパライア|Desuparaia:anime voice|Kazuko Sugiyama:The top of the Nightmares. She intends to gain eternal life to bring despair to all the world, and has ordered her subordinates to obtain the Dream Collet. Her name appears to play off of the words "pariah" and "despair".Or|date=September 2007

ide Characters

;nihongo|Jii-ya|じいや|Jiiya / nihongo|Sakamoto|坂本|Sakamoto :anime voice|Tomoaki Ikeda:He is the Minazukis' butler and takes care of Karen when her parents aren't home. He is very respectful to her and calls her 'ojou-sama' ("young lady"), but he also seems to be fond of her, like a father. "Jii-ya" is the term which an old servant is called (similarly "Baa-ya" means an old nanny or housemaid), and not his own name.

;nihongo|Otaka-san|おタカさん|Otakasan:anime voice|Chie Koujiro:The mistress of the cafeteria in girls' school where they always eat lunch, rather like the Tako Café in "Pretty Cure Max Heart". She is a cheerful, middle-aged woman who sometimes gives them good advice. She is also the Headmistress of the school.

;nihongo|Mika Masuko|増子 美香|Masuko Mika:anime voice|Mari Yamada:This second-year student is the chief editor of the Cinq Lumières Tsūshin (a school paper). She tends to appropriate the paper for herself a little. Her name is a pun of "masukomi" (mass communication/media). Mika gets close to getting her "scoop" on the Pretty Cures, but is always distracted by Nuts' human form, making the next day's paper all about him and her and reducing the article on the Cures to a small, almost unreadable size.

;nihongo|Megumi Yumehara|夢原 恵美|Yumehara Megumi:anime voice|Yurika Hino:Nozomi's mother. She is a beautician and runs a beauty shop "Espoir". She and Kazuyo are childhood friends just like Nozomi and Rin. Kazuyo says that she had been a more blunderer than Nozomi.

;nihongo|Kazuyo Natsuki|夏木 和代|Natsuki Kazuyo :anime voice|Mayumi Asano:Rin's mother. She and her husband run a flower shop "Fleuriste Natsuki". She is called "Kazu-chan" by Megumi like Rin by Nozomi.

;nihongo|Yu Natsuki|夏木 ゆう|Natsuki Yū & nihongo|Ai Natsuki|夏木 あい|Natsuki Ai :anime voice|Kumiko Watanabe & anime voice|Satsuki Yukino:They are twins and Rin's younger siblings. Yu is a boy and Ai is a girl. They are so naughty that they always trouble Rin.

;nihongo|Mailpo|メルポ|Merupo:anime voice|Wasabi Mizuta:A walking pink mailbox that works with Syrup. He helps with sending and receiving letters.

Episode list

Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go!

Theme Songs

See also

* List of Yes! Precure 5 episodes


*L'École des Cinq Lumières was originally misspelled in the animation as "Cing Lumiere".
*Butterflies have been incorporated as the transformation theme for this series.
*Merchandise preorders and advertisements have released this information about the magical items::The cards used this season will be shaped like regular playing cards, much like the original Futari wa Pretty Cure;:Other items include the "Pinky Catch", a jewel box to keep Pinkies in that doubles as a transformation item, and the "Dream Collet", the book that Nozomi needs to complete. The Pinky Catch is romanized in some official merchandise as Pinky Catchu, but Catch makes more sense considering its use.:Transformation items are watches rather than cellular telephones.
*In contrast to the transformations in the earlier series, it should be noted that the girls can be by themselves to transform.
*The girls transform with the phrase "Pretty Cure, Metamorphose!", referring back to the butterfly theme.
*This series seems to take place in a French Country, and makes references to many words and phrases in French. For instance:
**The Palmier Kingdom's name comes from the French word for "coconut tree", hence the characters Coco and Nuts. "Palmiers" is also a french kind of bakery that connects the name of the kingdom to the also bakery-related surrounding kingdoms.
**The beauty shop run by Nozomi's mother is called "Espoir", which is the French word for hope.
**École Cinq Lumièrs is a direct translation of "school of the five lights".
*In Episode 11, Mint and Aqua's attacks are used not just for attacking, but for helping others as well. Mint uses "Pretty Cure Mint Protection!" to bounce the falling Rouge and Lemonade, and Aqua follows up with "Pretty Cure Aqua Stream!" to send Rouge and Lemonade down a river and back on the ground.


External links

* [ Toei Animation's Yes! Precure 5 site] ja icon
* [ Toei Animation's Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! site] ja icon
* [ TV Asahi's Yes! Precure 5 site] ja icon
* [ TV Asahi's Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! site] ja icon
* [ Bandai Namco's Precure Dream Live Official Website] ja icon
* [ Yes!Precure 5 GoGo episode review] at [ Neko Magic]
* [ Metamorphose: A Yes! Precure 5 Fansource]
* [ Yes! Pretty Cure 5: Yes! Precure 5 English Collective]

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