Encyclopedia Psychedelica

Encyclopedia Psychedelica

A journal founded by Fraser Clark in 1985 dedicated to the defense of the counter culture of the 1960s and the Free Festival Movement. Contributors include: Neil Oram, Charles Stephens, Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Pete Loveday, Tony Benn, John Michell, Charles Bukowski, Robert Bly. Associated with the club Megatripolis and the Pronoia (psychology) movement. Credited with the invention of the term zippie.

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Fraser Clark website [http://www.parallel-youniversity.com/fraser/] Neil Oram [http://www.warp-experience.com/] Pronoia [http://www.pronoia.net/] Zippies [http://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/Zippies.html] Zippie Pronoia Tour 1994 [http://www.pronoia.net/tour/tour.html] Pete Loveday [http://www.obsolete.com/ak/press/current/loveday.html] [http://www.ukrockfestivals.com/big-bang-comics.html]

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