- Ludovico Brea
Ludovico (or Louis) Brea (c. 1450 - c. 1523) was an Italian painter of the
Renaissance , active mainly in and nearGenoa .Brea was born into a family of coopers in
Nice , and later moving toLiguria , he painted numerous altarpieces that displayed bothLombardy and Flemish influences. One of his pupils wasTeramo Piaggio .His earliest definite work is the "Mercy between Saint Martino and Catherine of Alexandria", painted for the monastery of
Cimiez , nearNice , in 1475; recent historical searches have also suggested his having painted the "Madonna of the Confraternity of the Misericordia" in Nice in 1465. Other notable works by Brea can be found along all the coast fromMonaco toMentone , fromTaggia toImperia (where the influence of the Lombardic painterVincenzo Foppa can be seen, and during which time he was in the service ofPope Julius II ), and fromSavona to Genoa, where he was active from 1483, leaving his work to the Church of the Consolation.In Liguria, Ludovico's siblings Peter and Antonio Brea also operated as painters, as did Antonio's son, Francisco Brea (of whom details are only known for the period from 1512 to 1555).
Notable works and their locations
* "Piety" (1475), Monastère de
* "Crucifixion" (1481), Gallery of the White Palace, Genoa
* "Ascension" (1483), Galleria Durazzo Giustiniani
* "Madonna of Misericordia" (Madonna of Mercy) (1483-84)
* "Polyptych ofSan Caterina " (1488) and "Baptism of Christ" (1495), both at the Dominican church and convent,Taggia
* "Piety", Monaco Cathedral
* "Maestà ", church ofArcs-Van
* "Altarpiece ofSavona Cathedral" (1490), in collaboration withVincenzo Foppa
* "Altarpiece of Ognissanti" (1512), San Maria di Castello, Genoa
* "Polyptych of San Giorgio" (1516), church ofMontalto References
*cite book | first= Stefano| last= Ticozzi| year=1830| title= "Dizionario degli architetti, scultori, pittori, intagliatori in rame ed in pietra, coniatori di medaglie, musaicisti, niellatori, intarsiatori d’ogni etá e d’ogni nazione"' (Volume 1)| editor = | pages= page 214 | publisher=Gaetano Schiepatti; Digitized by Googlebooks, Jan 24, 2007 | id= | url= http://books.google.com/books?id=0ownAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA5&dq=Stefano+Ticozzi+Dizionario | authorlink=
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.