

In arithmetic, a hundredth is a single part of something that has been divided equally into a hundred parts. For example, a hundredth of 675 is 6.75.

A hundredth is the reciprocal of 100.

A hundredth is written as a decimal fraction as 0.01, and as a vulgar fraction as 1/100.

“Hundredth” is also the ordinal number that follows “ninety-ninth” and precedes “hundred and first.” It is written as 100th.

Hundredth (band) is an American Melodic Hardcore band that is currently signed to Mediaskare Records.

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  • hundredth — [hun′drədth, hun′drətth] adj. [ HUNDRED + TH2] 1. preceded by ninety nine others in a series; 100th 2. designating any of the hundred equal parts of something n. 1. the one following the ninety ninth 2. any of the hundred equal parts of… …   English World dictionary

  • Hundredth — Hun dredth, a. 1. Coming last of a hundred successive individuals or units. [1913 Webster] 2. Forming one of a hundred equal parts into which anything is divided; the tenth of a tenth. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hundredth — Hun dredth, n. One of a hundred equal parts into which one whole is, or may be, divided; the quotient of a unit divided by a hundred. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hundredth — early 14c., from HUNDRED (Cf. hundred) + TH (Cf. th). O.E. used hundrath …   Etymology dictionary

  • hundredth — /hun dridth, dritth/, adj. 1. next after the ninety ninth; being the ordinal number for 100. 2. being one of 100 equal parts. n. 3. a hundredth part, esp. of one (1/100). 4. the hundredth member of a series. 5. Also called hundredth s place. (in… …   Universalium

  • hundredth — [[t]hʌ̱ndrədθ[/t]] ♦♦ hundredths 1) ORD The hundredth item in a series is the one that you count as number one hundred. The bank celebrates its hundredth anniversary in December. 2) FRACTION A hundredth of something is one of a hundred equal… …   English dictionary

  • hundredth — hun•dredth [[t]ˈhʌn drɪdθ, drɪtθ[/t]] adj. 1) next after the ninety ninth; being the ordinal number for 100 2) being one of 100 equal parts 3) a hundredth part, esp. of one (1/100) 4) the hundredth member of a series 5) math. Also called… …   From formal English to slang

  • hundredth — /ˈhʌndrədθ/ (say hundruhdth) adjective 1. next after the ninety ninth. 2. being one of a hundred equal parts. –noun 3. a hundredth part, especially of one. 4. the hundredth member of a series …  

  • hundredth — 1. adjective /ˈhʌndɹɛdθ/ The ordinal form of the number one hundred. 2. noun /ˈhʌndɹɛdθ/ a) The person or thing in the hundredth position. b) One of a hundred equal parts of a whole. Called also percent …   Wiktionary

  • hundredth — hun|dredth [ hʌndrədθ ] number 1. ) in the place or position counted as number 100: This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the composer s death. 2. ) one of 100 equal parts of something …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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