Ana Dias Lourenço

Ana Dias Lourenço

Ana Afonso Dias Lourenço is an Angolan politician. Lourenço has been in the Ministry of Planning since 1997, first as Deputy Minister of Planning from 1997 to 1999 and since 1999 as Minister of Planning. Since September 30, 2006, she has been the chairperson of the Southern African Development Community.

Lourenço was the sixth candidate on the MPLA's national list in the September 2008 parliamentary election. [ [ "Eleições: Lista integral dos candidatos do MPLA, antigo PM Marcolino Moco fora, nova cara Akwá"] , Angola Xyami, July 5, 2008 pt icon.] [ List of deputies elected in the 2008 election] , CNE website pt icon.] She won a seat in this election, in which the MPLA won an overwhelming majority in the National Assembly.


External links

* [ Interview on World Investment News, 16 August 2004]
* [ ANGOP 30 September 2006]

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