- Bernardus Compostellanus Junior
Bernard of Compostella (Bernardus Compostellanus Junior or Modernus) lived in the middle of the
thirteenth century , called Compostellanus from the fact that he possessed an ecclesiasticalbenefice in Compostella. He was known also as Brigantius from his birthplace inGalicia, Spain ; later ofMonte Mirato , Bernard waschaplain to popeInnocent IV , a noted canonist. At Innocent's exhortation he wrote a work entitled "Margarita", an index of Innocent's "Apparatus", or commentary on the five books of the Decretals ofGregory IX . The "Margarita" was published in Paris, 1516. Bernard was the first to write a commentary on the constitutions of Innocent IV (not published). A third work was entitled "Casus seu Notabilia" on the five books of Decretals, which was intended as a complete and practical commentary, but which owing to the author's death, did not go beyond the title sixth of the first book, consequently not published.ource
*Catholic [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02502a.htm]
ee also
Bernardus Compostellanus Antiquus
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