

Romain may refer to:


* Jérôme Romain (born 1971), former track and field athlete
* Romain Barnier (born 1976), freestyle swimmer
* Romain Barras (born 1980), French decathlete
* Romain Bellenger, French road racing cyclist
* Romain Bussine (1830-1899), French poet and voice professor
* Romain Danzé (born 1986), French football player
* Romain de Tirtoff (1892-1990), French artist and designer
* Romain Dumas (born 1977), French racing driver
* Romain Duris (born 1974), French actor
* Romain Dutrieux (born 1988), Belgian football (soccer) striker
* Romain Ferrier (born 1976), French defender
* Romain Gary (1914-1980), French novelist, film director, World War II pilot, and diplomat
* Romain Gasmi (born 1987), French footballer
* Romain Gijssels (1907-1978), Belgian professional road bicycle racer
* Romain Jacuzzi (born 1984), French midfielder
* Romain Larrieu (born 1976), goalkeeper
* Romain Maes (1913-1983), Belgian cyclist
* Romain Pitau (born 1977), French football midfielder
* Romain Rolland (1866-1944), French writer
* Romain Sardou (born 1974), successful French novelist
* Romain Sato (born 1981), professional basketball player
* Romain Vincelot (born 1985), French defender
* Romain Weingarten, French playwright


* Romain, Doubs, a commune in the department of Doubs
* Romain, Jura, a commune in the department of Jura
* Romain, Marne, a commune in the department of Marne
* Romain, Meurthe-et-Moselle, a commune in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle


* Romain (grape), a red wine grape from Burgundy

ee also

* Romaine
* Roman

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  • romain — romain, aine [ rɔmɛ̃, ɛn ] adj. et n. • 1080; lat. romanus 1 ♦ Qui appartient à l ancienne Rome et à son empire. ⇒ latin, 2. roman. Antiquité grecque et romaine. Empereur romain. Paix romaine. Spécialiste du droit romain (⇒ 1. romaniste) .… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • romain — romain, aine 1. (ro min, mè n ) adj. 1°   Qui appartient à l ancienne Rome ou aux Romains. •   ....Au seul aspect de la grandeur romaine, CORN. Sertor. II, 2. •   Regardez moi, seigneur, comme dame romaine, CORN. ib. II, 2. •   Il ne reste pas… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • Romain — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Romain puede referirse a: Romain, comuna francesa situada en la región de Franco Condado, departamento de Jura. Romain, comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Marne. Romain, comuna francesa situada en el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • romain — ROMAIN, [rom]aine. adj. On ne met point ce mot comme un nom de nation, mais parce qu il a d autres usages dans la langue. On appelle, Chiffre romain, Le chiffre qui se fait avec les lettres numerales, comme C. D. I. V. X. &c. Les cadrans des… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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