Intestinal lymph trunk

Intestinal lymph trunk

Infobox Lymph
Latin = trunci intestinales
GraySubject = 176
GrayPage = 691

Caption = Modes of origin of thoracic duct. (Poirier and Charpy.) a. Thoracic duct. a’. Cisterna chyli. b, c’ Efferent trunks from lateral aortic glands. d. An efferent vessel which pierces the left crus of the diaphragm. e. f. Lateral aortic glands. h. Retroaortic glands. i. Intestinal trunk. j. Descending branch from intercostal lymphatics.

Caption2 =
DrainsFrom =
Source = preaortic lymph node
DrainsTo = cisterna chyli
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = t_20
DorlandsSuf = 12826034
The intestinal trunk receives the lymph from the stomach and intestine, from the pancreas and spleen, and from the lower and front part of the liver, and empties lymph into the cisterna chyli, which in turn drains into the thoracic duct.

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