Andrew Feenberg

Andrew Feenberg

Andrew Feenberg is a philosopher of technology. He is Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Technology in the School of Communication, Simon Fraser University.

elected Works


*Lukacs, Marx and the Sources of Critical Theory (Rowman and Littlefield, 1981; Oxford University Press, 1986)
*Critical Theory of Technology (Oxford University Press, 1991) republished as Transforming Technology (Oxford University Press, 2002)
*Alternative Modernity (University of California Press, 1995)
*Questioning Technology (Routledge, 1999).
*Heidegger and Marcuse: The Catastrophe and Redemption of History (Routledge 2005). Editor:
*Marcuse: Critical Theory and the Promise of Utopia (Bergin and Garvey Press, 1988)
*Technology and the Politics of Knowledge (Indiana University Press, 1995)
*Modernity and Technology (MIT Press, 2003)
*Community in the Digital Age (Rowman and Littlefield, 2004).


* "Technocracy". "TELOS" 08 (Summer 1971). New York: [ Telos Press]

External links

* [ Andrew Feenberg's homepage]
* [ From Essentialism to Constructivism: Philosophy of Technology at the Crossroads] online article by Andrew Feenberg discussing Heidegger, Habermas and Borgmann.
* [ Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology Vol 9 No 3] Special Review Section Devoted to Andrew Feenberg's Heidegger and Marcuse: The Catastrophe and Redemption of History.
* [ Review of "Community in the Digital Age"] by Arun Kumar Tripathi (ACM Ubiquity, Volume 5, Issue 28, Sept. 8 - Sept. 14, 2004).

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