CEPHEUS (Cost Efficient Passive Houses as European Standards) was a research project that assessed and validated the German Passivhaus energy efficient building standard on a European scale. The project was sponsored by the European Union as part of the THERMIE programme, with Dr Wolfgang Feist (co-originator of the Passivhaus concept) as scientific director [http://www.passiv.de/06_pre/PreMT/20/20.htm] .

Under CEPHEUS, 14 housing developments were built, resulting in a total of 221 homes constructed to the Passivhaus standard. 84 were in Austria, 72 in Germany, 40 in France, 20 in Sweden and 5 in Switzerland.

The project proved the concept through in-use measurements during the winter of 2000-2001. It also spurred the commercial development of the necessary technologies, at least in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

ee also


External links

* [http://www.dcue.dk/Default.asp?ID=332 What is CEPHEUS?]
* [http://www.passiv.de/07_eng/news/CEPHEUS_final_short.pdf CEPHEUS final public report (short edition)]
* [http://www.cepheus.de/eng/index.html CEPHEUS Germany] (dual language)
* [http://www.energieinstitut.at/?sID=2530 CEPHEUS Austria] (dual language pdfs)
* [http://www.pasivnidomy.cz/download/pep-info1_kronsberg.pdf CEPHEUS Passivhaus development at Hannover-Kronsberg]
* [http://www.passivehouse.com/07_eng/news/CEPHEUS_final_long.pdf CEPHEUS Final Report on as-built thermal performance]


*"CEPHEUS: Living Comfort without Heating"; Author: H Krapmeier; Publisher: Springer; ISBN 3-211-83720-5

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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