1001 Nachts / Ali Baba / Rainbow

1001 Nachts / Ali Baba / Rainbow


Weber's 1001 Nachts, A.R.M.'s Ali Baba and Huss's Rainbow are all pendulum amusement rides. Each ride has a large arm that is attached to a steel structure. The large arm carries passengers on the bottom of it. The arm will swing in constant motion to the right, and then later in the duration of the ride it will swing to the left. The employee also has the control to stop the gondola at the rides most maximum height. However, unlike a Kamikaze, this ride does not invert the riders. Considering these versions of the ride, The Rainbow is the fastest. The height requirements for the 1001 Nachts and Rainbow is 48 inches tall; for the Ali Baba it is 46 inches tall. Before it closes down, a church in Fairborn held a yearly party, which at times holds a pendulum ride called the Crazy Bus.


For the 1001 Nachts and the Ali Baba, there are over the head metal bars that come down. The Huss Rainbow just has a lap bars that will lower down. These rides can carry 22 people (Ali Baba), 40 people (Huss Rainbow) and 40 people (Weber 1001 Nachts). Also, all of these rides are very fast paced.The Huss Rainbow was the first ride created out of all three. Weber and A.R.M have failed to produce such high class rides. Rainbow can be found in many parks and carnivals around the world. Standing at 26 meters, the Rainbow can be seen from anywhere on the midway.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.knoebels.com/images/rides/1001nacht1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.knoebels.com/carousel-roller-coaster.asp&h=542&w=400&sz=42&hl=en&start=3&usg=__BGiuQve2YYe5A3mKm5g6jNBt5bo=&tbnid=zW-Y3_1YixIi-M:&tbnh=132&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3D1001%2Bnachts%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

More Similar Rides

*Falling Star - Chance Rides has manufactured this ride, but they do not anymore. It's in the moderate speed compared to all of these other rides. The ride has lap bars that come down on riders. 32 people may ride at once. Minimum rider height: 46 inches.

*Joker - Zamperla's version of this ride is called the Joker. This ride is slower than the other versions. This ride carries 34 people, and also has lap bars that lower down on riders. Minimum rider height: 46 inches.

*Flying Carpet - Zierer's version of this ride comes in either standard or suspended versions. It carries up to 36 people, but there are two sections of seats so that each will face each other. Minimum rider height: 46 inches.

*Magic Carpet - Fabbri Group's version of this ride is still being produced, but to find one these days is rare. It can seat up to 36 people, with 2 groups of 18 facing each other. Minimum rider height: 46 inches.

*Chinese Junk - This German-built ride was one-of-a-kind and located at Six Flags Great Adventure under the name "Joust-A-Bout." With seats on either end, it seated up to 36 people (18 in each gondola). It was introduced in 1982 and scrapped in 2001. Minimum rider height: 44 inches.


* The Bahamas - The Holiday Carnival hosts this ride.
* Mexico -
Aladino at La Feria de Chapultepec Magico rainbow ride.


On July 15, 2008, an accident on a "Rainbow" attraction at the amusement park Liseberg in Sweden, caused 18 people to be injured, due to a uninvestigated malfunction causing the riding platform to tilt and hit the ground. The accident was due to a welding in an axis burst. The axle was replaced by the manufacturer in 2003. [ [http://www.liseberg.se/Liseberg/Svenska/Liseberg+Island/lisebergparken/MER+OM+LISEBERG/Press/PRESSINFO/olycka_rainbow.htm FABRIKATIONSFEL BAKOM LISEBERGSOLYCKA - 21 juli - PRESSINFO - PRESS - MER OM LISEBERG - Sommarparken - Liseberg ] ]

The management of the park, decided the day after the accident, that the attraction will be scrapped due to the substantial damages. This Rainbow was 25 years old and opened at Liseberg in 1983.

On October 19, 2007, 1001 Nachts stopped at the top out of control and the whole gondola broke off the arm and fell to the ground injuring at least 20 people. [ [http://news.aol.com/story/_a/18-injured-in-theme-park-accident/20080715151909990002] ]


External links

* [http://www.armrides.com/Rides/Ali_Baba/ A.R.M. Rides website]
* [http://www.hussrides.com/ Huss Rides website]
* [http://www.zamperla.com/ Zamperla Rides website]

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