

Seton may refer to:

*Seton (surname), people with the surname "Seton"


*Port Seton, a town in East Lothian, Scotland
*Seton Collegiate Church, an ancient monument south east of Cockenzie and Port Seton
*Seton Sands, an area of coastline east of Edinburgh
*Seton Palace, East Lothian, Scotland, rebuilt by Robert Seton, 2nd Earl of Winton
*Seton, Calgary, a neighbourhood in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
*Seton Hall University, a university in South Orange, New Jersey
*Seton High School, any number of high schools with this or a similar name
*Seton Home Study School, a Catholic homeschooling program
*Seton Medical Center, a hospital in Austin, Texas
*Seton Lake, British Columbia
*Seton Portage, British Columbia, often referred to simply as "Seton" (which in that form can include nearby Shalalth, British Columbia)
*Seton River, aka the Seton River, British Columbia, connecting Seton Lake to Cayoosh Creek and the Fraser River at the town of Lillooet
*Seton Portage River, between Anderson and Seton Lakes, British Columbia
*Port Seton was the name of Seton Beach or Setonfoot, aka Skimka, British Columbia, near the town of Lillooet
*Seton Portage Historic Provincial Park, Seton Portage, British Columbia


*Seton stitch, used for healing "fistulae"
*Seton Lake Indian Band, a First Nations band government at Seton Lake, British Columbia
*Seton Leather Company, an automotive leather manufacturing facility (AKA SEPA)

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  • séton — séton …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • séton — [ setɔ̃ ] n. m. • av. 1478 « faisceau de crins pour drainer une plaie »; lat. médiév. seto, a. provenç. sedon, de seda, lat. saeta → 1. soie ♦ Blessure, plaie en séton, à deux orifices cutanés, d entrée et de sortie, faits par un projectile ayant …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • seton — SETÓN s.n. Rană superficială provocată de o armă albă sau de un glonte, care afectează numai pielea. [< fr. séton]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.09.2005. Sursa: DN  setón, setoáne, s.n. (înv.) meşă de vată, de tifon, de pânză etc. care se… …   Dicționar Român

  • Seton —   [siːtn], Ernest Thompson, eigentlich E. Seton Thompson [ tɔmsn], kanadischer Schriftsteller englischer Herkunft, * South Shields 14. 8. 1860, ✝ Santa Fe (New Mexiko) 23. 10. 1946; kam 1866 mit seinen Eltern nach Kanada; erhielt eine… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Seton — [sēt′ n] 1. Saint Elizabeth Ann (born Elizabeth Ann Bayley) (1774 1821); Am. Rom. Catholic leader: 1st native born Am. saint: her day is Jan. 4 2. Ernest Thompson (born Ernest Seton Thompson) 1860 1946; U.S. naturalist, writer, & illustrator,… …   English World dictionary

  • Seton — Se ton, n. [F. s[ e]ton (cf. It. setone), from L. seta a thick, stiff hair, a bristle.] (Med. & Far.) A few silk threads or horsehairs, or a strip of linen or the like, introduced beneath the skin by a knife or needle, so as to form an issue;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • séton — (sé ton) s. m. 1°   Terme de chirurgie. Longue bandelette de linge fin effilé sur les bords, ou mieux longue mèche cylindrique de coton à broder qu on passe avec une aiguille à travers la peau et le tissu cellulaire pour entretenir un exutoire.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • seton — /seet n/, n. Surg. a thread or the like inserted beneath the skin to provide drainage or to guide subsequent passage of a tube. [1350 1400; ME < ML seton (s. of seto), equiv. to set(a) SETA + on n. suffix] * * * (as used in expressions) Seton… …   Universalium

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