

Goldenberg may refer to:

* Billy Goldenberg (born 1936), American composer
* Carl Goldenberg (1907-1996), Canadian lawyer & politician
* Charles Goldenberg (1911-1986), American football player
* Eddie Goldenberg, Canadian political advisor
* Efrain Goldenberg (born 1929), Peruvian politician
* Emanuel Goldenberg (1893-1973), American actor
* Evan Goldenberg, (1928-2005), President, ZadoCorp International
* Grigory Goldenberg (1856-1880), Russian revolutionary
* Isidor Goldenberg (1870-?), Romanian actor & singer
* Larry Goldenberg (born 1953), Canadian medical researcher
* Michael Goldenberg, American writer
* Steven Goldenberg, (born 1958), Oppenheimer & Co., Inc, Menlo Charity Horse Show
* William Goldenberg, film editor
* Edward Goldenberg Robinson (1893-1973), American film actor

* Goldenberg scandal, a political scandal in Kenya involving the Goldenberg International company
* Goldenberg Candy Company, a subsidiary of the Just Born company

See also

* Goldberg
* Golden (disambiguation)

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  • Goldenberg — Le nom signifie en allemand la montagne dorée. Il peut désigner celui qui est originaire d une localité ainsi appelée, mais le plus souvent c est un nom de famille porté par des Juifs askhénazes, avec une valeur plus symbolique que géographique.… …   Noms de famille

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  • GOLDENBERG, CHARLES ROBERT — ( Buckets ; 1911–1986), U.S. football player; helped lead the Green Bay Packers to three NFL championships. Born in Odessa, Ukraine, Goldenberg grew up in Milwaukee, where he was a star as a tackle and tailback at North Division High School, and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • GOLDENBERG, BAERISH — (1825–1898), Hebrew scholar, teacher, and poet. Born in Vishnevets (Volhynia), he studied in Tarnopol in the school established by joseph perl , and in 1850 opened his own school there. The rest of his life was devoted to teaching, mainly in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Goldenberg scandal — The Goldenberg scandal was a political scandal where the Kenyan government was found to have subsidised exports of gold far beyond standard arrangements during the 1990s, by paying the company Goldenberg International 35% more (in Kenyan… …   Wikipedia

  • Goldenberg-Skandal — Im so genannten Goldenberg Skandal, der Anfang der neunziger Jahre in Kenia stattfand, ging es um eine Summe an Korruptionsgeldern, die mit etwa 700 Millionen Euro 10 Prozent des Bruttosozialprodukts des Landes umfasste. Offensichtlich waren… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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