- Family Policy Council
Family policy councils are often, but not always, conservative, religious, state-level organizations dedicated to the promotion of traditional
family values . Many work closely withFocus on the Family and theFamily Research Council . There are a number of more liberal family policy organizations that conduct similar operations to their conservative counter parts toward the promotion of rights and resources for different types of families like those formed by same-sex relationships and single parent families. The councils are usually nonprofit, nonpartisan, and volunteer-based. Some are government run. Family policy councils may conduct policy analysis, foster strategic leadership involvement, promote an informed citizenry, provide resources for families, and influence public opinion.Family policy councils
* [http://www.acupofjoy.org/ A Cup of Joy] (for single parent families)
* [http://www.alabamapolicy.org/ Alabama Policy Institute]
* [http://www.afaofpa.org/ American Family Association of Pennsylvania]
* [http://www.familycouncil.org/ Arkansas Family Council]
* [http://www.mdfamilies.org/ Association of Maryland Families]
*Australian Family Association (Australia)
* [http://www.californiafamily.org/ California Family Council]
*Campaign for Children and Families (California)
* [http://www.azpolicy.org/ Center For Arizona Policy]
* [http://www.centersfordecency.org/main.htm Centers for Decency] (Texas)
* [http://www.cwla.org/ Child Welfare League of America]
* [http://www.ccv.org/ Citizens for Community Values] (Ohio)
* [http://www.ccvspokane.org/ Citizens for Community Values Spokane] (Spokane, WA)
* [http://www.cofamily.org/ Colorado Family Institute]
* [http://www.colage.org/ Colage] (for children of LGBT parents)
* [http://www.cornerstoneofidaho.org/ Cornerstone Institute of Idaho]
* [http://www.nhcornerstone.org/ Cornerstone Policy Research] (New Hampshire)
* [http://www.familieslikemine.com/ Families Like Mine] (for children of LGBT parents)
* [http://www.fuah.org/ Families United Against Hate]
* [http://www.familyfirst.org/ Family First] (Nebraska)
* [http://www.factn.org/ Family Action Council of Tennessee]
* [http://www.familydiversity.org/ Family Diversity Projects]
* [http://www.ctfamily.org/ Family Institute of Connecticut]
* [http://www.fpc.wa.gov/ Family Policy Council of Washington State] (run by the State of Washington, USA)
* [http://fpiw.org/ Family Policy Institute of Washington]
* [http://familypolicy.net/ Family Policy Network] (has branches in [http://familypolicy.net/al/ AL] , [http://familypolicy.net/ca/ CA] , [http://familypolicy.net/md/ MD] , [http://familypolicy.net/nc/ NC] , [http://familypolicy.net/oh/ OH] , [http://familypolicy.net/pa/ PA] , [http://familypolicy.net/tn/ TN] , [http://familypolicy.net/tx/ TX] , [http://familypolicy.net/va/ VA] , [http://familypolicy.net/wv/ WV] )
* [http://www.familypride.org/ Family Pride Coalition]
* [http://www.fri-wi.org/ Family Research Institute of Wisconsin]
* [http://www.flfamily.org/ Florida Family Policy Council]
* [http://www.freemarket.org/ Free Market Foundation] (Texas)
* [http://www.georgiafamily.org/ Georgia Family Council]
* [http://www.hawaiifamilyforum.org/ Hawaii Family Forum]
* [http://www.idahovaluesalliance.com/ Idaho Values Alliance]
* [http://www.illinoisfamily.org/ Illinois Family Institute]
* [http://www.hoosierfamily.org/ Indiana Family Institute]
* [http://www.iowaprofamily.org/ Iowa Family Policy Center]
* [http://www.mafamily.org/ Massachusetts Family Institute]
* [http://www.mfc.org/ Minnesota Family Council]
* [http://www.mspolicy.org/ Mississippi Center for Public Policy]
* [http://www.familyfirst.org/ Nebraska Family Policy Council]
* [http://www.njfpc.org/ New Jersey Family Policy Council]
* [http://nyfrf.org/ New Yorker's Family Research Foundation, Inc.]
* [http://www.ncfpc.org/ North Carolina Family Policy Council]
* [http://www.ourfamily.org/ Our Family Coalition] (San Francisco Bay area LGBT families)
* [http://www.palmettofamily.org/ Palmetto Family Council] (South Carolina)
* [http://www.pflag.org/ PFLAG]
* [http://www.pfox.org/ PFOX]
* [http://www.pafamily.org/ Pennsylvania Family Institute]
* [http://www.plannedparenthood.org/ Planned Parenthood]
* [http://www.rainbowfamilies.org/ Rainbow Families]
* [http://www.sdfamily.org/ South Dakota Family Policy Council]
* [http://www.straightspouse.org/ Straight Spouse Network]
* [http://www.strongerfamilies.com/ Stronger Families For Oregon]
* [http://www.azpolicy.org/ The Center for Arizona Policy]
* [http://www.familyfoundation.org/ The Family Foundation] (Virginia)
*The Family Foundation of Kentucky
* [http://www.wafam.org/ Washington Family Foundation]ee also
Alliance Defense Fund
*American Family Association
*Family Research Council External links
Focus on the Family 's [http://www.citizenlink.org/fpc/ State Family Policy Councils]
* [http://www.NotOurKids.com Not Our Kids.com] , a coalition comprising family policy councils
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.