Rally marshal

Rally marshal

In motor racing, a rally marshal is a marshal who is experienced and/or trained in the area of rallying.

They hold different duties than a track marshal, as they are isolated from other marshals and radio cars are spaced out along the course of a stage. They are there for the safety of the competitors, but in spectated rallies, they also may be required to control any spectators that may be present. Spectators can be of great danger to the drivers, and also if not aware of the cars they may put themselves in great danger.

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  • rally — [n1] celebratory meeting assemblage, assembly, celebration, clambake*, convention, convocation, get together, mass meeting, meet, pep rally, pow wow*, session; concept 377 rally [n2] turn for the better comeback, improvement, recovery,… …   New thesaurus

  • marshal — [v] organize, guide align, arrange, array, assemble, collect, conduct, deploy, direct, dispose, distribute, draw up, escort, gather, group, lead, line up, methodize, mobilize, muster, order, rally, rank, shepherd, space, systematize, usher;… …   New thesaurus

  • rally — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. muster, marshal, call together; revive, restore, rouse, encourage; banter, chaff. See courage, assemblage. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. mass meeting, demonstration, gathering, assembly; see gathering . v.… …   English dictionary for students

  • marshal — 01. The fire [marshal] is investigating a suspicious blaze which destroyed a church over the weekend. 02. The soldier [marshalled] all his courage and ran towards the enemy. 03. The teacher [marshalled] all the students together and led them onto …   Grammatical examples in English

  • marshal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. array, dispose, order, arrange; mobilize, activate, assemble, collect, utilize. See arrangement. n. officer, authority, sheriff. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A high military officer] Syn. provost marshal …   English dictionary for students

  • rally — Synonyms and related words: $100 a plate dinner, Highland games, Olympiad, Olympic games, Olympics, abet, accumulate, adduce, advance, agglomerate, aggregate, aggroup, agitate, aid, align, allege, allocate, allot, amass, apportion, arouse, array …   Moby Thesaurus

  • rally — 1. verb 1) the troops rallied and held their ground Syn: regroup, reassemble, re form, reunite Ant: disperse 2) he rallied an army Syn: muster, marshal, mobilize …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • marshal — Synonyms and related words: ADC, Abbot of Unreason, CO, G man, Lord of Misrule, MC, MP, OD, accouple, accumulate, adduce, advance, agglutinate, aide, aide de camp, align, allege, allocate, allot, amass, apportion, arrange, array, articulate,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • marshal — verb 1) they marshaled an army Syn: assemble, gather (together), collect, muster, call together, draw up, line up, align, array, organize, group, arrange, deploy, position, order, dispose; mobilize …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Motorsport marshal — Track marshals in Britain, in this case waving a red flag Motorsport marshals contribute to more enjoyable, more efficient, and safer motor racing. They are responsible for the safety of competitors and are stationed at various points of danger… …   Wikipedia

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