Josephson energy

Josephson energy

In superconductivity, the Josephson energy is the potential energy accumulated in the Josephson junction when a supercurrent flows through it. One can think about a Josephson junction as about a non-linear inductance which accumulates (magnetic field) energy when a current passes through it. In contrast to real inductance, no magnetic field is created by a supercurrent in Josephson junction --- the accumulated energy is a Josephson energy.


For the simplest case the current-phase relation (CPR) is given by (aka the first Josephson relation):

I_s = I_c sin(phi)

where I_s is the supercurrent flowing through the junction, I_c is the critical current, and phi is the Josephson phase, see Josephson junction for details.

Imagine that initially at time t=0 the junction was in the ground state phi=0 and finally at time t the junction has the phase phi. The work done on the junction (so the junction energy is increased by)

U = int_0^t I_s V,dt= frac{Phi_0}{2pi} int_0^t I_s frac{dphi}{dt},dt= frac{Phi_0}{2pi} int_0^t I_csin(phi) ,dphi= frac{Phi_0 I_c}{2pi} (1-cosphi).

Here E_J = {Phi_0 I_c}/{2pi}sets the characteristic scale of the Josephson energy, and (1-cosphi) sets its dependence on the phase phi. The energy U(phi) accumulated inside the junction depends only on the current state of the junction, but not on history or velocities, i.e. it is a potential energy. Note, that U(phi) has a minimum equal to zero for the ground state phi=2pi n, n is any integer.

Josephson inductance

Imagine that the Josephson phase across the junction is phi_0 and the supercurrent flowing trough the junction is

I_0 = I_c sinphi_0.

Now imagine that we add little extra current (dc or ac) delta I(t)ll I_c through JJ, and want to see how the junction reacts. The phase across the junction changes to become phi=phi_0+deltaphi. One can write:

I_0+delta I = I_c sin(phi_0+deltaphi)Assuming that deltaphi is small, we make a Taylor expansion in the rhs to arrive atdelta I = I_c cos(phi_0) deltaphi

The voltage across the junction (we use the 2nd Josephson relation) is

V = frac{Phi_0}{2pi}dot{phi} = frac{Phi_0}{2pi}(underbrace{dot{phi_0_{=0} + dot{deltaphi})= frac{Phi_0}{2pi} frac{dot{delta I{I_c cos(phi_0)}.

If we compare this expression with the expresson for voltage across the conventional inductance

V = L dot{I},

we can define the so-called Josephson inductance

L_J(phi_0) = frac{Phi_0}{2pi I_c cos(phi_0)} = frac{L_J(0)}{cos(phi_0)}.

One can see that this inductance is not constant, but depends on the state (phi_0) of the junction. The typical value is given by L_J(0) and is determined only by the critical current I_c. Note that, according to definition, the Josephson inductance can even become infinite or negaive! This happens when cos(phi_0)<=0.

One can also calcuate the change in Josephson energy

delta U(phi_0) = U(phi)-U(phi_0) = E_J (cos(phi_0)-cos(phi_0+deltaphi)Making Taylor expansion for small deltaphi, we get approx E_J sin(phi_0)deltaphi = frac{E_J sin(phi_0)}{I_c cosphi_0}delta I

If we now compare this with the expression for increase of the inductance energy dE_L = L I delta I, we again get the same expression for L.

Note, that although Josephson junction behaves like an inductance, there is no associated magnetic field. The corresponding energy is hidden inside the junction.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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