Claude Gillot

Claude Gillot
Les Deux Carrosses by Claude Gillot, 1707.

Claude Gillot (April 28, 1673 Langres - May 4, 1722 Paris) was a French painter, best known as the master of Watteau and Lancret. He had Watteau as an apprentice between 1703 and 1708.

He was a painter, engraver, book illustrator, metal worker, and designer for the theater.

His sportive mythological landscape pieces, with such titles as Feast of Pan and Feast of Bacchus, opened the Academy of Painting at Paris to him in 1715; and he then adapted his art to the fashionable tastes of the day, and introduced the decorative fêtes champêtres, in which he was afterwards surpassed by his pupils. He was also closely connected with the opera and theatre as a designer of scenery and costumes.


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