Jason Dungjen

Jason Dungjen

Infobox Figure skater
title= Jason Dungjen

country= USA
dateofbirth= birth date and age|1967|9|27
partner= Yuka Sato (professional)
formerpartner= Kyoko Ina, Karen Courtland,
Susan Dungjen, Paula Visingardi
formercoach= Peter Burrows, Marylynn Gelderman
skating club=
retired= 1998

Jason Dungjen (born September 27, 1967) is an American professional pairs skater. He tours professionally with wife Yuka Sato.

He competed first with his sister Susan Dungjen, with whom he placed second at the 1984 World Junior Figure Skating Championships. After that, he competed with Kyoko Ina. They were the 1997 and 1998 US National champions and placed fourth at the 1998 Winter Olympics. Their partnership dissolved after the 1997-1998 season. He is married to Yuka Sato and is skating with her on the Stars on Ice tour.

He is an ISU Technical Specialist for the United States. [PDFlink|1= [http://isu.sportcentric.net/db//files/serve.php?id=576 ISU Communication No. 1467] ]

Competitive highlights

(with Ina)

(with Susan Dungjen)



* [http://www.pairsonice.net/record.php?f=Visingardi&m=Dungjen Pairs on Ice: Visingardi & Dungjen]
* [http://www.pairsonice.net/record.php?f=Dungjen&m=Dungjen Pairs on Ice: Dungjen & Dungjen]
* [http://www.pairsonice.net/record.php?f=Courtland&m=Dungjen Pairs on Ice: Courtland & Dungjen]

External links

* [http://www.starsonice.com/cast/cast_detail.asp?CastID=109 Stars on Ice Profile]
* [http://www.pairsonice.net/profileview.php?pid=25 Pairs on Ice: Ina & Dungjen]


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