

Infobox Road in Frankfurt am Main

Imagesubtitle=Kaufhof Zeil
Use=Shopping street
Length=1.2 km [Stadtvermessungsamt Frankfurt am Main. "CD-ROM „Amtliche Stadtkarten“" . Cityguide, 2005. [http://cityguide-deutschland.com/demo/frankfurt/html/de/1024x768.html Online-Version] ]
Creation=12th Century
Crossroads=Biebergasse (West), Pfingstweidstraße (East)
Connection=Seilerstraße/Lange Straße, Friedberger Anlage, Breite Gasse, Konstablerwache, Stiftstraße, Liebfrauenstraße, An der Hauptwache
Buildings=Kaufhof Zeil, Zeilgalerie, Karstadt Zeil, Bienenkorbhaus, Hessisches Oberlandesgericht, Zentrales Bürgeramt

The Zeil is a street in the city centre of Frankfurt, Germany. Since the end of the 19th century it is one of the most famous and top-selling shopping street in Germany. Before World War II it was also known for its grand buildings but most of them were destroyed and not rebuilt. The western part of the Zeil is a pedestrian zone between two large plazas, Hauptwache in the west and Konstablerwache in the east. These two plazas serve as major intersections for underground trains, trams and busses. The eastern part of the Zeil, called "New Zeil", connects Konstablerwache with the Friedberger Anlage.

The Zeil will undergo a major renovation from spring 2008 until summer 2009. The pedetrian zone will be extended to the west as far as the Börsenstraße. This will bring drastic changes for motorists because the route via Hauptwache is an important north-south connection for individual traffic which will be closed.


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