Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation

Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation

The Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) transformation is an exact mathematical
transformation, which allows to convert a particle theory into its respective field theory by linearizing the density operator in the many-body interaction term of the Hamiltonian and introducing a scalarauxiliary field. It is defined as (Baeurle 2002, Baeurle 2003):exp left{ - frac{a}{2} x^2 ight} =sqrt{frac{1}{2 pi a ; intlimits_{-infty}^{infty}exp left [ - frac{y^2}{2 a} - i x y ight] d y,where the real constant a > 0. The basic idea of the HS transformation is to reformulate a system of particles interacting through two-body potentials into a system of independent particles interacting with a fluctuating field. The procedure is widely used in polymer physics (Baeurle 2007, Schmid 1998, Matsen 2002, Fredrickson 2002), classical particle physics (Baeurle 2002a, Baeurle 2004) and electronic structure theory (Rom 1997, Baer 1998).

Calculation of resulting field theories

The resulting field theories are well-suited for the application of effective approximation techniques, like the mean field approximation (Matsen 2002, Fredrickson 2002) or beyond mean field approximation procedures (Baeurle 2007, Baeurle 2006, Baeurle 2007a). A major difficulty arising in the simulation with such field theories is their highly oscillatory nature in case of strong interactions, which leads to the well-known numerical sign problem (Baeurle 2002, Baeurle 2003). The problem originates from the repulsive part of the interaction potential, which implicates the introduction of the complex factor via the HS transformation. Several analytical and numerical techniques have been developed recently to alleviate the sign problem in Monte Carlo simulation in an efficient way (Baeurle 2002, Baeurle 2002a, Baeurle 2003a).


* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
title = Method of Gaussian Equivalent Representation: A New Technique for Reducing the Sign Problem of Functional Integral Methods
journal = Phys. Rev. Lett.
volume = 89
pages = 080602
year = 2002

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
title = Computation within the auxiliary field approach
journal = J. Comput. Phys.
volume = 184
pages = 540
year = 2003

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
coauthors = Nogovitsin, E.A.
title = Challenging scaling laws of flexible polyelectrolyte solutions with effective renormalization concepts
journal = Polymer
volume = 48
pages = 4883
year = 2007

* cite journal |
url =
last = Schmid
first = F.
title = Self-consistent-field theories for complex fluids
journal = J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
volume = 10
pages = 8105
year = 1998

* cite journal |
url =
last = Matsen
first = M.W.
title = The standard Gaussian model for block copolymer melts
journal = J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
volume = 14
pages = R21
year = 2002

* cite journal |
url =
last = Fredrickson
first = G.H.
coauthors = Ganesan, V.; Drolet, F.
title = Field-Theoretic Computer Simulation Methods for Polymers and Complex Fluids
journal = Macromolecules
volume = 35
pages = 16
year = 2002

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
coauthors = Martonak, R.; Parrinello, M.
title = A field-theoretical approach to simulation in the classical canonical and grand canonical ensemble
journal = J. Chem. Phys.
volume = 117
pages = 3027
year = 2002a

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
title = Grand canonical auxiliary field Monte Carlo: a new technique for simulating open systems at high density
journal = Comput. Phys. Commun.
volume = 157
pages = 201
year = 2004

* cite journal |
url =
last = Rom
first = N.
coauthors = Charutz, D.M.; Neuhauser, D.
title = Shifted-contour auxiliary-field Monte Carlo: circumventing the sign difficulty for electronic-structure calculations
journal = Chem. Phys. Lett.
volume = 270
pages = 382
year = 1997

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baer
first = R.
coauthors = Head-Gordon, M.; Neuhauser, D.
title = Shifted-contour auxiliary field Monte Carlo for ab initio electronic structure: Straddling the sign problem
journal = J. Chem. Phys.
volume = 109
pages = 6219
year = 1998

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
coauthors = Efimov, G.V.; Nogovitsin, E.A.
title = Calculating field theories beyond the mean-field level
journal = Europhys. Lett.
volume = 75
pages = 378
year = 2006

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
coauthors = Efimov, G.V.; Nogovitsin, E.A.
title = Grand canonical investigations of prototypical polyelectrolyte models beyond the mean field level of approximation
journal = Phys. Rev. E.
volume = 75
pages = 011804
year = 2007a

* cite journal |
url =
last = Baeurle
first = S.A.
title = The stationary phase auxiliary field Monte Carlo method: a new strategy for reducing the sign problem of auxiliary field methodologies
journal = Comput. Phys. Commun.
volume = 154
pages = 111
year = 2003a

External links

* [ Particle and Polymer Field Theory Group]

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