Pauline Goldsmith

Pauline Goldsmith

Pauline Goldsmith is an actress, director and playwright from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

She has appeared in the following films:
*"16 Years of Alcohol" (2003)
*"The Magdalene Sisters" (2002)
*"How High the Castle Walls" (1997)

She won the 2004 Best Actress Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for her performance in Samuel Beckett's "Not I".

In 2006 she performed her second play, "Should've Had The Fish" at the Assembly Rooms at the Fringe Festival. Her first play, "Bright Colours Only", marked her writing and directing debut.

External links

*imdb name|1330487
* [ Bright Colours only]
* [ Profile]
* [,,1840585,00.html Guardian]
* [ Thespis Festival]
* [ Assembly Rooms]

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