Hinterwald Cattle

Hinterwald Cattle

Hinterwald Cattle (in German: "Hinterwälder-Rind") are an old local breed of cattle in the black forest. There is a breed association in Germany and also for some years in Switzerland.

The cows are small, their height is only 115 to 125 cm, with a weight of 380 to 480 kg, making them the smallest breed of cattle still extant in Central Europe. [ [http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/hinterwald/index.htm Oklahoma State University breed profile] ] The head is mostly white, the remaining fur light yellow pied to dark red-brown pied. Having been bred to cope with extreme conditions, such as cold winters, sloping pastures and frugal diet, they are well adapted to the alpine climate. They are used in both beef and milk production and are noted for their frugality, longevity and unproblematic calving.

These qualities have led to a significant rise in the number of Hinterwald cows in the Swiss Alps since the introduction of a breeding programme initiated by "Pro Specie Rara", a non-profit organisation dedicated to the preservation of endangered domestic species. However, the breed is still in danger of extinction. The government of Baden-Wurttemberg pays husbandry bonuses to conserve it.

In Germany the breed was "Domestic Animal of the Year" in 1992.

Ballenberg, Switzerland


External links

* [http://www.prospecierara.ch/Generator.aspx?tabindex=3&tabid=358&ItemID=16&mid=690&palias=default| Pro Specie Rara (German, French, Italian)]
* [http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/hinterwald/index.htm Oklahoma State University breed desciption]
* [http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/livestocksystems/nafplio/proceedings/luick/luick.htm Macaulay Institute study of Black Forest farming]
* [http://www.g-e-h.de/gef-rassen/ Gefährdete Nutztiere - Informationen der Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung alter und gefährdeter Haustierrassen e.V.]
* [http://www.iff-faes.ch/html/Hinterwaelder/Hinterwaelder.htm Informationen eines Landwirtes]
* [http://www.fotonatur.de/haustiere/hinterwaelderrind-xx.php Etliche Fotos von Tieren der Rasse Hinterwälder Rind]

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