Jean de Launoy

Jean de Launoy

Jean de Launoy (Joannes Launoius) (1603-1678) was a French historian. Known as "le denicheur des saints", he was a critical historiographer. He was on the sceptical side over the supposed papal bull "Sacratissimo uti culmine" (see Sabbatine Privilege). In papal politics he was a Gallican, in theology a Jansenist.


* "Dissertationes tres: Quarum una Gregorii Turonensis de septem episcoporum adventu in Galliam: Altera Sulpitii Severi de primis Galliae martyribus locus defenditur; et in utraque diversarum Galliae ecclesiarum origines tractantur: Tertia, quid de primi Cenomannorum antistitis epocha sentiendum" (Paris, 1651)
* "Explicata Ecclesie traditio circa canonem: Omnis utriusque" (1672)
* "Præscriptiones de Conceptu B. Mariæ Virginis" (1677)
* "Opera Omnia" (Geneva, 1731)

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